Subiaco Open Space Assessment Guide

Public open space strategy guide for local governments.

The Subiaco Open Space Assessment guide includes eight assessment items. Each item contains several assessment criteria. The eight items include:

1. Access and connectivity

Assessment criteria

Wayfinding – signage or visual clues leading to site

  • Clear signage and/or other directional markers.
  • Visible from main road or thoroughfare.
  • Consistency of urban form (i.e. pavement and furniture) where appropriate.

External pedestrian/cycle/vehicle access

  • Clear footpath leading to space.
  • External pathways connect to internal path.
  • Clear road connections to space 

Off street and universal access parking 

  • Off street parking in location enabling easy access to facilities within space.
  • Central and close universal access parking (with drop off capacity where appropriate).

Access to public transport

  • Bus stops within 5 minute walk.
  • Train stops within 5 minute walk.

Internal pedestrian/cycle access

  • Clear path network within space that links and connects facilities.
  • Pathways level and wide enough for shared use (2-2.5 metres).

Through route to other destinations 

  • Connecting path network or corridor that enables pedestrian/cycle movement through the space to link to street, other spaces or community facilities.

Located in close proximity to other facilities

  • Space is close to other facilities such as retail/commercial area, transport node, school, community centre etc.

2. Aesthetics

Assessment criteria

Site appeal – welcoming and inviting, attractive and interesting

  • The space is open and inviting and has a mix of attractions.

Natural appeal – established trees, and retention of landscape features

  • Established trees and understorey vegetation (with good form) and/or well developed garden beds and lawn areas.

3. Site condition

Assessment criteria

Quality of landscape maintenance

  • Trees, nature spaces and gardens are well maintained and lawn areas well mowed.

Quality of facility and infrastructure materials and maintenance

  • Facilities are well maintained and in good condition (not out of date, no obvious wear or breakage).

Little obvious graffiti, litter or damage

  • Space appears clean and well cared for with no obvious long standing damage.

4. Signage

Assessment criteria

Positive signage (cues to activation)

  • Signs invite positive activity and outline attributes of space.

Interpretive materials and/or signage

  • Signs and/or other materials tell story of local character/history/heritage/natural features.

All signage placed in visible position

  • Signage is consistent in colour and form and clearly visible at entry point and/or along pathways.

5. Activity spectrum

Assessment criteria

Caters for diverse users/user groups (of all ages and abilities)

  • Space has facilities that cater for various groups and uses: mix of social, structured and unstructured recreation and play plus sport and physical activity facilities where appropriate.

Site can cater for community events

  • Space include open areas that can cater for use by large groups of for community events (including vehicle access, installation of temporary infrastructure such as stages, shelters or pavilions).

6. Activity infrastructure

Assessment criteria

Infrastructure for social activities (picnic/barbecue facilities)

  • Space includes shelters, picnic and barbecue facilities in accessible location.

Infrastructure for play and informal recreation activities

  • Space includes playground or nature play opportunities and/or open lawn for games and/or informal activity points (i.e. basketball hoop).

Infrastructure for formal sport and specialised recreation activities

  • Space includes facilities that enable users to engage in formal sport (i.e. sports field, pitch or practice area) and/or specialised activity (i.e. skate park or tennis court).

7. Relaxation and reflection

Assessment criteria

Places to relax or spend quiet time

  • Space includes sheltered areas and/or open lawn where individuals or groups can gather.

Limited disruption (or known conflict) from other users

  • Space contains areas away (or removed) from busy paths and/or significant activity areas.

Low ambient noise level

  • Quieter areas away from regular, loud noise (as best can be achieved within an inner urban area).

8. Comfort and amenity

Assessment criteria

Placement of public toilet facilities

  • Open every day and within easy access to other facilities within space.

Placement and configuration of constructed shade and shelter

  • Shade/shelters positioned within easy access to internal pathway and in reasonable proximity to other facilities.

Placement and configuration of seating

  • Seating positioned to encourage socialisation and within easy access to internal pathway and/or overlooking activity sites (i.e. play areas) or viewpoints (i.e. lake or cross view of parkland).

Placement of drinking fountain

  • Close to activity points and able to be accessed by all users.

Natural shade (trees)

  • Trees orientated to increase useable shade coverage (north/west).

9. Safety

Assessment criteria

Natural surveillance (line of sight) within park

  • Clear, open line of sight with no (or few) hiding places.

Natural surveillance (line of sight) from nearby streets or houses

  • Clear, open line of sight with no (or few) hiding places.

Placement of lighting

  • Located at entry points, along pathways and near facilities.
Page reviewed 14 June 2021