The department will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. We will respond to queries in the new year. Best wishes for a safe and happy festive season.
Public open space strategy guide for local governments.
Healthy Active by Design – Heart Foundation
Giles-Corti B, Ryan, K, Foster, S (2012) Increasing Density in Australia: Maximising the Health Benefits and minimizing the harm Report for the National Heart Foundation of Australia
Curtin Centre of Sport and Recreation Research (2011) Emerging Constraints for Public Open Space in Perth Metropolitan Suburbs
Curtin Centre of Sport and Recreation Research (2013) Active Open Space (playing fields) in a growing Perth-Peel 2013
Department of Urban and Regional Planning Madison: Green Space Goal
Fausold, Charles J. and Robert J. Lilieholm (1996) The economic value of open space. Landlines September 1996 Vol 8 No 5
Melbourne City Council (2012) Urban Forest Strategy 2012-32: Making a great city greener
Nicolae, Cianga and Antoaneta C. Popescu (2013) Green Spaces and Urban Tourism Development in Craiova Municipality In Romania European Journal of Geography Volume 4, Issue 2: 34-45
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Townsend, M and Weerasuriya (2010) Beyond Blue to Green: The benefits of contact with nature for mental health and well-being
White, Matthew P., Alcock, Ian, and Wheeler, Benedict W. (2013) Would You Be Happier Living in a Greener Urban Area? A Fixed-Effects Analysis of Panel Data Psychological Science Vol 24 No 6 (pp 920-928)
Wolf, Kathleen L. (2004) Trees, Parking and Green Law: Strategies for Sustainability
Zhou, Xiaolu and Rana M Parves (2011) Social benefits of urban green space Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal Vol. 23 No. 2, 2012 pp. 173-189
Department of Lands (2013) The Crown Land Practice Manual: Section 152 Reserves
Department of Sport and Recreation (2007) Needs Assessment Guide: Sport and Recreation Facilities
Department of Sport and Recreation (2012) Classification framework for public open space
Department of Sport and Recreation and the Department of Water (2014) Public Parkland Planning and Design Guide
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WAPC (2013) State Planning Strategy 2050: Planning for Sustained Growth and Prosperity
WAPC (2015) Draft Liveable Neighbourhoods
WAPC (2009) State Planning Policy and Planning Bulletin State Planning Policy 3.6 Development Contributions for Infrastructure
WAPC (2002) DC 2.3 – Public Open Space in Residential Areas
WAPC (2010) SPP 2.8 - Bushland Policy for the Perth Metropolitan Region
Shire of Capel (2011) Public Open Space Strategy 2011 – 2021
City of Cockburn (2014) Public Open Space Strategy 2014 - 2024
City of Geraldton (2014) Draft Public Open Space Strategy
Shire of Irwin (2011) Public Open Space Strategy
City of Gosnells (2014) Public Open Space Strategy
City of Stirling (2008) Public Open Space Strategy
City of Wanneroo (2010) Local Planning Policy 4.3 Public Open Space
Town of Port Headland (2014) Active Open Space Strategy
Landcom 2008 Open Spaces Design Guidelines
Hunter New England Population Health (February 2012) Liveability assessment tool
NSW Department of Planning (2010) Recreation and Open Space Planning Guidelines for Local Government
Parks and Leisure Australia (2013) Open Space Planning and Design Guide: Victoria and Tasmania
Department of Local Government and Planning (2011) Positively Green Queensland - Greenspace Strategy 2011–2020: Protecting our lifestyle, environment and places to play
Sport and Recreation Tasmania (2010) Tasmanian Open Space Policy and Planning Framework: Main Report
Victorian Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure (2013) Practice Note 70: Open space strategies
Victorian Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure (2013) Creating Liveable Open Space: Case Studies
Healthy Spaces and Places is a unique collaboration between the Australian Local Government Association, the National Heart Foundation of Australia and the Planning Institute of Australia was originally funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. Healthy Spaces & Places supports and complements planning and design initiatives throughout Australia. It is a single source of easy-to-find, practical information from experts in health, planning, urban design, community safety and transport planning.
This website includes:
Healthy Active by Design (HAbD) is a tool to inform the design of communities that support and promote healthy and active living. Practical guidance, checklists and case-studies are categorised into nine key design features that will assist planners, urban designers and related professionals to design a built environment that enables people to be healthy and active in their community. Other potential users of the resource include professionals from health, community development and sport and recreation who wish to advocate for and promote health and wellbeing across a range of projects.