Woodman Point Recreation Camp

Woodman Point provides a historic coastal location south of Fremantle in unique heritage accommodation.

Woodman Point Recreation Camp is popular with a wide variety of groups. Its proximity to Fremantle, competitive pricing, idyllic beach location and the range of adventure programs in The Cube ensure that Woodman Point is unique in many ways. Staff pride themselves on client-focused service and are intent on providing high-level, cost-effective recreation programs to a wide range of groups, including special needs organisations.

The site has significant historical and cultural importance. The site was originally a quarantine station with the first buildings constructed in 1886 and more added in 1901. These buildings have been recently renovated. In contrast to the original buildings, The Cube is a modern, multi-purpose adventure training facility.

Woodman Point aerial image

The experience

The camp is more than a physical site available for group bookings. It is a special place where Western Australians of all ages can participate in unique activities in an isolated living environment. Whether it is the conquest of the first abseil, the team success at crossing the ‘stepping stones’ or the wonderful feeling of sharing the camp experience with new friends, your camp at Woodman Point will be a rewarding experience.

Discover Woodman Point Recreation Camp

The location

This coastal recreation camp is located at the end of O'Kane Court, Coogee on Woodman Point in Cockburn Sound. It is eight kilometres south of Fremantle, a 35min drive from Perth and a 45min drive from Perth Airport.


Woodman Point Camp has a range of accommodation areas suitable for your group’s needs.

Woodman Point accommodation


Accolade catering provides catering services at Woodman Point Recreation Camp.

Self-catering is available for guests staying in the Jervoise dormitories and Tuart Cottage only.

Catering at Woodman Point

Recreation programs 

Structured programs have been offered at Woodman Point since 1994. These have since evolved to contain some 26 distinct programs, with an additional range of program variations, training packages, workplace adventures, custom programs, self-directed activities and holiday programs.

Woodman Point recreation programs


The camp has a number of facilities to enhance you experience including the Cube – a 13m high recreation facility jam-packed with roping and climbing activities.

Woodman Point facilities

Camp staff

The Woodman Point Recreation Camp is administered through the department. The management team consists of:

Ben Walton
Manager, Woodman Point

Ryan Austin
Operations Manager

Reece Barrell-Smith
Camp Event Coordinator

James Olton
Camp Event Coordinator

Scott Price
Senior Program Coordinator

In addition the camp employ a dedicated team of highly-qualified outdoor instructors who deliver and facilitate our adventure programs, together with a facilities and cleaning team who maintain and upkeep our newly-refurbished camp. 

Beach safety

Woodman Point management strongly recommends that all groups intending to use the beach arrange for qualified life savers through camp staff for water safety. All groups should check with their governing bodies to make sure that their water safety is in accordance with official procedures


Woodman Point Camp strives to be inclusive through its programs and facilities. All accommodation and dining areas, excluding Jervoise dormitory and Tuart Cottage, provide wheelchair access, including ablutions suitable for wheelchair use. Any group requiring special requirements need to arrange a site tour before booking the facility to ensure the site is suitable. This can be arranged through the camp. With advance notice, many of our programs can also be modified to include all participants.

Department of Education guidelines

Most Adventure Recreation Programs at Woodman Point meet or exceed the Department of Education guidelines for outdoor pursuits. In consideration of specific environments at the site, variations from these guidelines exist to increase safety.

More information

Woodman Point Recreation Camp

Whadjuk Noongar Country
74 O'Kane Court, Coogee WA 6166
Telephone 61 8 9492 9797
Telephone 0414 448 088 (emergencies or urgent matters only)

Camp Bookings Office

Whadjuk Noongar Country
246 Vincent Street Leederville WA 6007
PO Box 8349
Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Telephone 61 8 9492 9999
  • Woodman Point Recreation Camp
  • Street: 74 O'Kane Court, City: Coogee, Zip: 6166, CountryCode: AU, StateCode: , Latitude: -32.1336898547735, Longitude: 115.760264444971
  • 115.760264444971
  • -32.1336898547735
  • Show on Woodman Point Recreation Camp on the map
Page reviewed 15 May 2024