Step 8 – monitoring and review

Public open space strategy guide for local governments.

As part of its asset registry local government should maintain a comprehensive database of relevant data on open space and recreation facilities in the area, including:

  • location and site area of each open space parcel and recreation facilities linked to a geographic information system system
  • function of each parcel (sport, recreation and/or nature spaces)
  • capital improvements on each parcel (buildings with areas, playing fields by type and infrastructure)
  • condition of improvements, replacement costs and depreciated value
  • management, operation and maintenance costs
  • land administration information such as leases, licenses, permits, easements etc
  • occupants and tenure
  • rent and other income.

Reports from the database should include:

  • information for council’s budget setting processes and open space planning
  • total value and extent of depreciation of improvements of open space land by type
  • forecast of all revenues and costs by open space characteristics.

Periodic surveys can monitor and gather feedback on performance including:

  • permitted user surveys – surveys of the sporting clubs and other user groups who have access rights via a lease, permit or other agreements. Information should include the number of people using the land at various times by activity type
  • casual user surveys – surveys of the people using open space for activities on a casual basis, via field surveys that capture visitor numbers at various times of the year, week and day. It will necessary to apply a sampling approach.

The surveys should ascertain:

  • origin of visitor
  • visitor characteristics
  • purpose of visit
  • activities carried out
  • time engaged in activities
  • frequency of use
  • positive  and negative aspect of the space.

The strategy should also contain a commitment to both comprehensive review (say a 7 to 10 year cycle), and interim or ad hoc reviews if there is a major change in the planning context (for example if the State or federal governments provide funding for a major new facility which changes the supply context).

Page reviewed 09 March 2021