
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Occasional liquor licences

An occasional licence allows a licensee to sell or supply alcohol, for an occasion of no more than 3 weeks.

Objections and submissions

Legislative requirements relevant to objections and submissions under the Act.

Permitted number of guests of lodgers

Information on how many adult guests a lodger may have on a licensed premises.

Liquor accords

Guidance as to the legislative and operational requirements associated with Liquor Accords.

Inspection of records

Legislative and operational requirements for the inspection and access of documents about licensed premises.

Incident register at licensed premises

Obligations for recording incidents that occur on and in the vicinity of their licensed premises.

Harm minimisation plan

Requirements to meet and maintain measures and practices of harm minimisation.

Free drinking water

Licensees must ensure that water suitable for drinking is provided, free of charge, at all times when liquor is sold and supplied for consumption.

Fire safety measures in licensed premises

All licensed premises must meet minimum fire safety standards.

Exemptions to the Liquor Control Act 1988

Guidance on specific circumstances where the sale, supply and consumption of liquor is exempt from the application of the Act under the Liquor Control Regulations 1989.

Entertainment condition

This condition requires everyone on the licensed premises meets certain standards of dress and behaviour.

Dress standards for licensed premises

A person not meeting certain dress standards may be refused the service of alcohol, denied entry, requested to leave, or even removed from a licensed premises.

Charter boats

Criteria for the owners of charter boats to sell, supply or allow consumption of alcohol.

Moore River Native Settlement Centenary Photographic Collection cover

Moore River Native Settlement Centenary photographic collection

Moore River Native Settlement Centenary photographic collection​

Right Wrongs publication cover

Right Wrongs

'67 Referendum – WA 50 years on.

No Less Worthy cover

No Less Worthy

A publication acknowledging the significant contribution of WA Aboriginal volunteers to the World War One effort.

They Served With Honour cover

They Served With Honour

Untold Stories of Western Australian Aboriginal Servicemen at Gallipoli.

Native Title Access Policy

Access to information that is culturally sensitive to Aboriginal people can only do so with permission.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023