
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


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Best Practice Guideline on the Identification, Investigation and Handling of Nuisance Dogs

This guideline is designed to assist local governments respond to nuisance barking complaints within their districts.

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A Guide to the Preparation of Agendas and Minutes

For local government officers to support effective decision making in council and committee meetings.

Pause for paws cover

Pause for paws

Feedback on dog and cat laws in WA

A new Local Government Act for Western Australia: principal findings

Local Government Act Review Overview: principal findings

In 2017 the State Government announced a review of the Local Government Act 1995 — the first significant review since the Act was introduced more than two decades ago.

A new Local Government Act for Western Australia: smart

Local Government Act Review Overview: smart

In 2017 the State Government announced a review of the Local Government Act 1995 — the first significant review since the Act was introduced more than two decades ago.

A new Local Government Act for Western Australia: inclusive

Local Government Act Review Overview: inclusive

In 2017 the State Government announced a review of the Local Government Act 1995 — the first significant review since the Act was introduced more than two decades ago.

Local Government Act Review Overview - agile

Local Government Act Review Overview: agile

In 2017 the State Government announced a review of the Local Government Act 1995 — the first significant review since the Act was introduced more than two decades ago.

Combat Sports Commission Annual Report 2018-19 cover

Combat Sports Commission 2018-19 Annual Report

For the safety and organisation of combat sports.

WA Appendix to the Gaming Machine National Standard 2016

WA Appendix to the Gaming Machine National Standard 2016

Gnarla Boodja Mili Mili (Our Country on Paper)

Gnarla Boodja Mili Mili (Our Country on Paper)

An online interactive map acknowledging the names of Noongar places throughout the Perth CBD area, also known as Boorlo or Burrell in the Noongar language.

Rating Policy: Valuation of Land

Local governments impose rates on the properties within their district to raise revenue to fund the services and facilities provided to residents and visitors.

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Gender Diversity Case for Change

The case for gender balanced leadership in sport and recreation

How to conduct a Trade Promotion Lottery

General conditions and regulations for Trade Promotion Lotteries.

Temporary bars

Guidance on applying for a liquor licence or permit for a temporary bar at an event.

Approval for juveniles to be on licensed premises

The 3 circumstances where prior approval is required before a juvenile is permitted on a licensed premises.

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Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Perenjori

Authorised Inquiry under Part 8 Division 1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA)

Strategic Directions ALG

Strategic Directions 2016-2031 — Arts Leadership Group

Our vision for Western Australia is to be the best place it can be to live, work and play thanks to the contribution of its arts, culture and creative industries.

Living Treasures 1998

Western Australian State Living Treasures 1998

The former Minister for Arts, The Hon. Peter Foss QC MLC, initiated the State Living Treasures Awards to honour those artists whose lifetime work has enhanced the artistic and cultural life of Western Australia.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023