
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Youth sport policy

Youth sport – Junior sport policy

Regular participation in physical activity and sport is important for young people's health and wellbeing.

Planning for your club cover

Planning for your club – The future is in your hands

Planning is the key to the future for all sporting and recreation clubs no matter their level, activity or size.

Seeking and servicing a sponsor

This information has been designed to help clubs that may not have had much experience in gaining sponsorships.

Promoting your club cover

Promoting your club

Clubs need to be competitive on and off the field, so promoting, or marketing, your club is essential.

Problem solving  A guide for clubs cover

Problem solving – A guide for clubs

There are a number of ways that can be used to assist with or facilitate group or committee based problem solving. This booklet looks at three possible methods or techniques but there are many more.

Effective club meetings  A guide for the chairperson cover

Effective club meetings – A guide for the chairperson

If you are inexperienced in chairing formal meetings, such as the club Annual General Meeting or the monthly club meetings, this resource provides some helpful hints.

Top 20 tips for successful coaching cover

Top 20 tips for successful coaching

These tips provide some direction for coaches to increase their chance of having the greatest impact possible on their junior athletes.

Top 20 tips for officials cover

Top 20 tips for officials

These tips provide guidelines for new and existing officials. Good officiating, playing and coaching ensures everyone enjoys the experience!

Club team manager

Team managers have an extremely important role ensuring the successful management of the team and welfare of the athletes in their care.

Show me the money  A guide for the club treasurer cover

Show me the money – A guide for the club treasurer

A small clubs accounts are not complicated so you don’t have to be an accountant to be a treasurer.

The club secretary: The key to efficiency

This resource highlights some common-sense steps to ensuring your workload will be lighter, that your group won’t have members who just ‘make up the numbers’ and that it will be seen as an effective team.

Effective club meetings  A guide for the chairperson cover

Delegation – Help for the overworked committee member

This resource highlights some common-sense steps to ensuring your workload will be lighter, that your group won’t have members who just ‘make up the numbers’ and that it will be seen as an effective team.

Taking the lead!  A guide for club presidents cover

Taking the lead! A guide for club presidents

The president or chairperson is the principal leader of the club and has overall responsibility for the club’s administration.

Starting a new club cover

Starting a new club

How to start a new club.

Careers in sport and recreation

Careers in sport and recreation

This guide will introduce you to some of the disciplines within the sport and recreation sector and provide a glimpse into the roles and requirements that exist in these areas.

Grassroots cover


The secret life of sport and recreation.

More People More Active Outdoors cover

More People More Active Outdoors

A framework for Outdoor Recreation in Western Australia 2019.

WA Motorsport Strategy cover

WA Motorsport Strategy

A strategic approach for the development of our industry.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023