
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts — Performing arts companies

This fact sheet highlights the key findings for performing arts companies from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts — Film, TV and games production

This fact sheet highlights the key findings for film, TV and games organisations from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Local Government Standards Panel Annual Report 2020-21 cover

Local Government Standards Panel Annual Report 2020-21

The Local Government Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) is the primary standards panel established under Part 5 Division 9 and Schedule 5.1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act).

Arts and Culture Monitor 2021 — Survey Report

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

Arts and Culture Monitor 2021 — Fact sheet

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

Historical Agricultural and Pastoral Leases cover

Historical Agricultural and Pastoral Leases

Applications by Aboriginal People throughout Western Australia 1887–1933.

Takeaway Alcohol Management System

A Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS) is a system designed to support liquor restrictions, by reducing opportunities for people to purchase quantities of liquor, above what is mandated within any applicable restriction.

Creating a safer WA for children and young people

Creating a safer WA for children and young people

Arts, cultural, sport, recreation and community organisations have an ethical and legal responsibility to protect children from harm.

Audience Outlook Monitor: July 2021 — National and WA Snapshot

How national and Western Australian audiences felt in July 2021 about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sport and Recreation Industry Priorities cover

Sport and Recreation Industry Priorities

Project overview and context piece

Conditions attached to a Standard Lottery Permit

Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 Section 101(1)(a)

Temporary accommodation and camping outside of caravan parks cover

Temporary accommodation and camping outside of caravan parks

Understanding the rules and restrictions on caravan use under the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995 and the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997.

Developing or Redeveloping a Caravan Park or Camping Ground cover

Developing or Redeveloping a Caravan Park or Camping Ground

This fact sheet assists caravan operators and other stakeholders to understand the requirements of the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995.

Nature Based Parks Guidelines cover

Nature Based Parks Guidelines

Licencing guidelines for developers and local government.

Combat Sports Commission Strategic Plan 2021-2025 cover

Combat Sports Commission Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Strategic plan for the Combat Sports Commission

Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Wiluna cover

Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Wiluna

Authorised Inquiry under Part 8 Division 1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA)

Page reviewed 07 September 2023