Status: Commenced
Commencement: 7 December 2024
The statutory requirement for a local government to review its local laws every 8 years will be extended to 15 years. The adoption of model local laws will be incentivised through reduced advertising requirements for local governments who repeal and replace existing local laws with model local laws.
These changes to local laws will reduce red tape for local governments and increase consistency across local governments, making it simpler for residents and businesses to navigate.
Status: Regulations being developed
Commencement: To be confirmed
It is proposed that the Local Government (Uniform Local Provisions) Regulations 1996 be amended to:
These reforms aim to create a single standard process for constructing residential crossovers and cut red tape for builders and homeowners.
It is proposed that the Local Government (Uniform Local Provisions) Regulations 1996 be amended to allow local businesses to set up an alfresco dining area and place portable advertising signage outside their business without needing an approval from their local government.
Similarly, the process to apply to a local government for other forms of obstruction of the thoroughfare, such as erecting a parklet, will be standardised.
It is aimed that these reforms will help cut red tape for local businesses and promote vibrant main streets which stimulate the local economy and build stronger local communities.