Club Night Lights Program (CNLP) timeframes

There are 3 rounds of CNLP per year. 2 small grant rounds (open in February and July) and 1 forward planning round (opens in July).

Small grants

Total project cost up to $500,000

The CNLP small grants program targets projects involving a basic level of planning. The total project cost for grant must not exceed $500,000. Grants given in this category must be claimed in the financial year following the date of approval. For projects with a grant request below $2500 it is expected that the applicant should be able to fully fund these.

Forward planning grants

Total project cost over $500,000

The CNLP forward planning grant round targets projects involving a detailed level of planning. The total project cost for the grant must be over $500,000. Grants given in this category can be claimed up to three financial years following the date of approval, depending on the requirements and approved details of the project.

Next funding rounds

2024/2025 July small grants round

July 2024

  • Application forms available from local governments (metro area only) and department regional offices (regional WA only).
  • Applications to be lodged at local governments by the end of the month.
  • Applicants should check the closing date with their local governments, as they do vary.

August 2024

  • Applications are assessed by local governments staff and recommendations prepared. Local governments are required to rate and rank all applications they receive in order of priority.
  • Applications presented at local government council meeting.
  • Applications must be lodged at department regional offices by 4pm on the 30 August 2024

September 2024

  • Applications are assessed by department regional managers.

October/November 2024

  • Small Grants Committee considers applications and makes recommendations to the Minister for Sport and Recreation.
  • Minister for Sport and Recreation considers recommendations and grants approvals.
  • Successful/unsuccessful applicants notified.

15 June 2025

  • Grants must be acquitted.

2025/2026 CNLP Forward Planning round

June 2024

  • Application forms available from local governments (metro area only) and department regional offices (regional WA only).

August 2024

  • Applications to be lodged at local government by the end of August 2024. Applicants should check the closing date with their local government, as they do vary.

September 2024

  • Applications are assessed by local government staff and recommendations prepared. Local governments are required to rate and rank all applications they receive in order of priority.
  • Applications presented at local government council meeting.
  • Applications must be lodged at DLGSC regional offices by 4pm on 30 September 2024.

October 2024

  • Applications are assessed by DLGSC regional managers.
  • Applications are assessed by state sporting associations.

December 2024/January 2025

  • CSRFF Advisory Committee considers applications and makes recommendations to the Minister.
  • Hon Minister for Sport and Recreation considers recommendations and grants approvals.
  • Successful/unsuccessful applicants notified.

1 July 2025

  • Funds available.

15 June 2026

  • Grant must be acquitted (except forward planning grants that have approval to expend the funds in the second and third year of funding).

Page reviewed 07 June 2024