A list of successful Club Night Lights Program grants.
Small grants
Forward planning grants
Upgrade LED lighting Sir Ross McLarty Oval 1 to 150 lux
Installation of 200 lux LED lighting at the Manjimup Speedway Club
Carey Park Football Sporting and Community Club Inc
Lighting upgrade to existing lighting to 150 lux LED to seven rink bowling green at Badgingarra Bowling Club
Lighting upgrade to LED 100 lux at bowling green at Goomalling Recreation Ground
Upgrade floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Dick Lawrence Oval
Installation of 250 lux LED lighting to four multi sports courts at Robertson Park Tennis
Upgrade to 100 lux LED lighting at Tompkins Park Soccer pitch
Upgrade of 16 existing metal halide floodlights to 100 lux LED on four bowling greens
Upgrade of lighting to 200 lux LED for A,B and D bowling greens at Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club
Upgrade of lighting to 50 lux LED at the Bridgetown Sports Ground
Shire of Capel
Upgrade of lighting to 100 lux LED on A and B bowling greens at Capel Bowls Club
Lighting upgrade to LED 50 lux to Dumbleyung and Kukerin ovals
Lighting upgrade to 15 LED 100 lux in ram shed at Williams sports ground precinct
Oval lighting upgrade including new wiring, 4 new poles and 16 lights 100 lux at Goomalling oval
Upgrade of floodlights to 100 lux LED at Cross Park Reserve, Roleystone
Upgrade of tennis court floodlight fittings to LED at Sorrento Tennis Club, Duncraig
Replace metal halide lights and poles with 350 lux LED on hardcourts, Mount Lawley Tennis Club, upgrade to 10 courts.
Upgrade of floodlighting to 350 lux LED on 4 tennis courts, Bayswater
Upgrade of floodlights to 100 lux LED at Troy Park Oval, Attadale
Upgrade floodlighting to 100 lux LED on pitch 5 at Iluka District Open Space
Upgrade of floodlighting at Halliday Park