Recently funded Club Night Lights Program grants

A list of successful Club Night Lights Program grants.

Small grants

Successful Club Night Lights Program Small Grants July 2024/2025
Shire of ExmouthUpgrade of floodlighting to 300 lux LED at Talanjee Oval$59,449
Shire of MingenewUpgrade of floodlighting to 350 lux LED at Mingenew Tennis Club$22,140
Shire of Serpentine-JarrahdaleInstallation of new 50 lux LED training lighting for AFL and Soccer at Kalimna Oval in Byford

Shire of Donnybrook-BalingupInstallation of new 350 Lux LED lighting across four tennis courts at VC Mitchell Park in Donnybrook$127,420
Margaret River Tennis ClubUpgrade to 350 Lux LED lighting across 12 courts at the Margaret River Tennis Club$35,376
Eaton Bowling and Social Club IncUpgrade to 100 Lux LED lighting on A Green at Eaton Bowling and Social Club in Eaton$13,107
Darkan & District Sports Club (Inc)Lighting upgrade to 100 lux LED at Darkan sporting precinct including bowling green and netball/basketball courts$11,541
Shire of NarembeenInstallation of six new lighting poles to 300 lux LED plus power box upgrade at Narembeen hockey field at Narembeen Recreation Centre$105,647
Shire of Trayning
Lighting upgrade to 100 lux LED to four existing poles at Trayning bowling green at Trayning and Districts Sporting Club
Corrigin Bowling ClubUpgrade of lighting to LED 100 lux to B Green at Corrigin Bowling Club$31,285
Shire of KellerberrinInstallation of four new poles with lighting to 100 lux LED at Kellerberrin Bowling Club at Kellerberrin Sport and Recreation Centre$17,572
Shire of WaginInstallation of four light poles and lighting to 100 lux LED to A Green at Wagin Bowling Club$15,054
Shire of KulinLighting upgrade to LED 100 lux to eight existing poles at Kulin Bowling Club$16,305
City of FremantleUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at Ken Allen Fields$108,798
City of NedlandsUpgrade floodlighting to 100 lux at Charles Court Reserve$137,080
Claremont Lawn Tennis Club (Inc)Installation of new floodlighting to 350 lux for eight grass courts$89,872


Successful Club Night Lights Program Small Grants February 2024/2025
City of Canning
Installation of 100 lux LED floodlighting at Ranford Oval
City of Cockburn
Upgrade floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Tempest Oval
City of Gosnells
Upgrade of floodlighting to 150 lux LED on oval ‘F’ at Sutherlands Park
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
Upgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Usher Park
City of Stirling
Upgrade floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Aintree Eglinton Reserve
City of Swan
Upgrade floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Coolamon Oval
Cowaramup Tennis Club
Upgrade of lighting to 250 lux LED
Morawa Speedway Association
Upgrade of floodlighting to 250 lux LED
Pickering Brook Sports Club
Installation of 100 lux LED floodlighting at George Spriggs Reserve, Pickering Brook
Shire of Narembeen
Installation of floodlighting to 350 lux LED at Narembeen tennis courts
Shire of Plantagenet
Installation floodlighting to 200 lux at Sounness Park Oval 
Shire of Wickepin
Lighting upgrade to 250 lux at the Wickepin Tennis Club 
York Hockey Club Inc
Lighting upgrade to 350 lux LED at York Recreation Centre


Successful Club Night Lights Program Small Grants July 2023/2024
Shire of Murray

Upgrade LED lighting Sir Ross McLarty Oval 1 to 150 lux

Manjimup Speedway Club Inc

Installation of 200 lux LED lighting at the Manjimup Speedway Club


Carey Park Football Sporting and Community Club Inc

Upgrade to LED lighting to 100 lux at Carey Park Football Club, Bunbury$62,640
Shire of Dandaragan

Lighting upgrade to existing lighting to 150 lux LED to seven rink bowling green at Badgingarra Bowling Club

Goomalling Bowling Club

Lighting upgrade to LED 100 lux at bowling green at Goomalling Recreation Ground

City of Fremantle

Upgrade floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Dick Lawrence Oval

City of Vincent

Installation of 250 lux LED lighting to four multi sports courts at Robertson Park Tennis

Perth Saints Football Club

Upgrade to 100 lux LED lighting at Tompkins Park Soccer pitch

Doubleview Bowling and Recreation Club

Upgrade of 16 existing metal halide floodlights to 100 lux LED on four bowling greens



Successful Club Night Lights Program Small Grants February 2023/2024
Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club Inc

Upgrade of lighting to 200 lux LED for A,B and D bowling greens at Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club

Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes

Upgrade of lighting to 50 lux LED at the Bridgetown Sports Ground


Shire of Capel

Upgrade of lighting to 50 lux LED at Boyanup Memorial Park$65,326
Capel Bowls Club Inc

Upgrade of lighting to 100 lux LED on A and B bowling greens at Capel Bowls Club

Shire of Dumbleyung

Lighting upgrade to LED 50 lux to Dumbleyung and Kukerin ovals

Shire of Williams

Lighting upgrade to 15 LED 100 lux in ram shed at Williams sports ground precinct

Goomalling Football Club

Oval lighting upgrade including new wiring, 4 new poles and 16 lights 100 lux at Goomalling oval

City of Armadale

Upgrade of floodlights to 100 lux LED at Cross Park Reserve, Roleystone

City of Joondalup

Upgrade of tennis court floodlight fittings to LED at Sorrento Tennis Club, Duncraig

Mount Lawley Tennis Club (Inc)

Replace metal halide lights and poles with 350 lux LED on hardcourts, Mount Lawley Tennis Club, upgrade to 10 courts.

Bayswater Tennis Club Inc.

Upgrade of floodlighting to 350 lux LED on 4 tennis courts, Bayswater

Troy Park Sports Association

Upgrade of floodlights to 100 lux LED at Troy Park Oval, Attadale

City of Joondalup

Upgrade floodlighting to 100 lux LED on pitch 5 at Iluka District Open Space



Successful Club Night Lights Program Small Grants July 2022/2023
Bullcreek Tennis ClubUpgrade of floodlighting to 350 lux LED on 10 courts.$47,882
Dryandra Regional Equestrian Association IncInstallation of 200 lux LED lighting to the undercover equestrian arena in Cuballing.$10,311
Dunsborough and Districts Country ClubInstallation of floodlighting to 350 lux LED on six tennis courts.$21,868
Eastern Goldfields Hockey AssociationUpgrade of floodlighting to 350 lux at the Eastern Goldfields Hockey Association Turf.$70,000
Goomalling Netball ClubUpgrade of floodlighting to 200 lux to existing lighting towers for two netball courts at Goomalling Recreation Ground.$8,600
Kendenup Tennis ClubInstallation of floodlighting to 350 lux LED on four tennis courts.$22,618
Narrogin Hawks Football ClubUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED to four existing light towers at Clayton Road Oval in Narrogin.$60,000
Shire of DandaraganInstallation of floodlighting to 100 lux LED to four existing lighting towers at Jurien Bay Oval.$84,780
South Perth Lawn Tennis ClubUpgrade of floodlighting to 350 lux LED on 10 courts.$34,340
Town of BassendeanUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Ashfield Reserve.$55,394
Wanneroo BMX Raceway ClubUpgrade of floodlighting to 187 lux LED.$87,361
Total $503,154


Successful Club Night Lights Program Small Grants February 2022/2023
East Fremantle Lawn Tennis ClubUpgrade of hard court lighting (LED)$16,223
Kardinya Tennis ClubUpgrade of lighting (LED) and installation of new poles$58,953
Higgins Park Tennis ClubUpgrade of lighting (LED) to four courts$14,116
Scarborough Tennis Club IncUpgrade of lighting (LED) $11,650
City of GosnellsUpgrade lighting fittings and poles at Langford Netball Complex$100,000
Shire of BroomeUpgrade tennis lighting at Broome Recreation Aquatic Centre (BRAC) $60,000
Busselton Bowling Club IncInstallation of new lighting (LED) to bowling greens$46,470
Bunbury Central Croquet Club IncUpgrade of lighting (LED) $4,357
Shire of CapelUpgrade of lighting (LED) at Dalyellup College Oval$24,078
Total $335,847


Forward planning grants

Successful Club Night Lights Program Forward Planning 2025/26
City of Kalgoorlie-BoulderUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at Sir Richard Moore and Boulder Ovals
Shire of Mount MagnetUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at Mount Magnet Town Oval$189,496
Shire of AshburtonUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at Thalanyji Oval, Onslow$421,000
Shire of CapelInstallation of floodlighting to 100 lux at Ferndale Park, Dalyellup$183,546
Shire of Harveyof floodlighting to 100 lux at Oval 1, Leschenault Recreation Park$293,739
City of CockburnUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at twenty netball courts at Success Reserve$178,500
City of StirlingUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at two playing fields at Charles Riley Memorial Reserve$332,151
Fremantle District Cricket Club IncUpgrade of floodlighting to 350 lux at one oval at Stevens Reserve, Fremantle$416,256
City of Joondalup  Upgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at one oval at Caledonia Park, Currambine  $163,670


Successful Club Night Lights Program Forward Planning 2024/25
City of Gosnells Installation of floodlighting at Sutherlands Park Reserves A and B, Gosnells$598,660
City of Greater GeraldtonUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at the Recreation Ground, Geraldton$191,180
City of JoondalupUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Santiago Park, Ocean Reef$161,945
City of StirlingUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Princess Wallington Reserve, Stirling$325,000
City of StirlingUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Des Penman Reserve, Stirling$280,883
City of SwanUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux at Baskerville Oval, Swan$168,000
City of WannerooInstallation of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Heath Park, Wanneroo$220,701
Shire of East PilbaraUpgrade lighting to 100 lux LED at Capricorn, Boomerang and Kangaroo Ovals$410,000
Shire of MundaringUpgrade of floodlighting to 300 lux at Brown Park, Mundaring$199,354
Shire of NorthamInstallation of four lighting towers and 300 lux LED at Bert Hawke Sports Precinct, Northam$274,968
Town of BassendeanUpgrade and installation of floodlighting to 100 lux at Jubilee Reserve, Bassendean$570,000


Successful Club Night Lights Program Forward Planning 2023/2024
City of Bayswater

Upgrade of floodlighting at Halliday Park

City of BusseltonInstallation of floodlighting to 2 soccer fields at Dunsborough Lakes Sports Precinct$169,796
City of CanningInstallation of floodlighting for 2 ovals at Hossack Park Lower (North)$326,968
City of JoondalupUpgrade of floodlighting at Forrest Park, Padbury$190,323
City of KalamundaInstallation of floodlighting at Hartfield Park$123,333
City of StirlingUpgrade of floodlighting at Butlers Reserve, Scarborough
City of WannerooInstallation of floodlighting at Dalvik Park$187,512
East Fremantle Lawn Tennis ClubInstallation of floodlighting on 5 courts$108,104
Esperance Football and Sporting ClubUpgrade of floodlighting at Esperance Football and Sporting Club$100,000
Shire of East PilbaraUpgrade of floodlighting to various sporting infrastructure$140,000
Shire of Halls CreekUpgrade of floodlighting at Halls Creek Town Oval$285,000
Shire of HarveyUpgrade floodlighting at Brunswick Oval$449,907
Town of BassendeanUpgrade of floodlighting at Bassendean Oval$350,581
Town of CambridgeInstallation of floodlighting at City Beach Oval$121,651
Town of CambridgeInstallation of floodlighting at Pat Goodridge Reserve, Jolimont$161,063
Town of Port HedlandUpgrade of floodlighting at McGregor Street Oval$176,000
Town of Victoria ParkUpgrade of floodlighting at Higgins Park$210,000
Wembley Downs Junior Football ClubUpgrade of floodlighting at AS Luketina Reserve$125,000


Successful Club Night Lights Program Forward Planning 2022/2023
Albany Speedway Club IncReplacement of existing track lighting with LED and upgrade of the power supply$134,803
Blue Gum Park Tennis Club IncUpgrade of floodlighting to LED for eight tennis courts$23,986
Boyanup Bowling Club IncUpgrade of lighting to LED for one bowling green$2,522
Bunbury and Districts Hockey Stadium IncUpgrade of floodlighting to LED at the Bunbury and Districts Hockey Stadium$264,000
City of KwinanaInstallation of floodlighting at Wellard Oval$136,166
City of MandurahInstallation of lighting to four tennis courts at Mandurah Tennis Club$53,524
City of South PerthUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at James Miller Oval, Manning$103,077
City of VincentUpgrade of floodlighting to LED at Leederville Oval$231,833
City of WannerooUpgrade two ovals to 100 Lux LED floodlighting at Splendid Park, Yanchep$168,409
Claremont Football Club IncUpgrade of floodlighting to LED at Claremont Oval$62,666
Derby Rodeo and Horseriders AssociationUpgrade of the Rodeo grounds main arena lighting$17,717
Fremantle Netball AssociationInstallation of floodlighting to three netball courts$47,917
Geraldton Bowling ClubReplacement of floodlighting for two bowling greens$42,750
Geraldton Softball Association IncUpgrade of floodlighting to one diamond at Utakarra Ball Park$29,419
Jurien Bowling ClubUpgrade of floodlighting to LED on two 8 rink bowling greens at the Jurien Bowling Club, Jurien Bay$11,970
Manning Memorial Bowling Club IncUpgrade to 150 Lux LED floodlighting for two bowling greens$12,296
Melville City Hockey ClubInstallation of LED floodlighting to the grass hockey pitches at Morris Buzacott Reserve, Kardinya$23,711
Melville Palmyra Tennis Club IncUpgrade of floodlighting to LED for five tennis courts$17,381
Morley Sporting ClubUpgrade of floodlighting for two ovals to 100 Lux LED at RA Cook Reserve$88,000
Mundaring Sporting Club IncInstallation of LED lighting to two bowling greens$50,000
North Perth Tennis Club IncUpgrade of floodlighting to LED on two hard courts$8,716
Pingelly Recreation & Cultural Centre Association IncorporatedInstallation of LED lighting on six synthetic tennis courts and a ten rink synthetic bowling green$50,000
Pinjarra Bowling and Recreation Club IncInstallation of LED lighting on one bowling green$9,390
Port Bouvard Recreation and Sporting ClubUpgrade of lighting to LED on two bowling greens$13,047
Shire of DardanupUpgrade of floodlighting to LED at Glen Huon Reserve$290,000
Shire of East PilbaraUpgrade of lighting to small ball standards at Emu Oval$113,333
Shire of KulinInstallation of two new lighting towers (250 lux) to half a hockey field at Freebairn Recreation Centre, Kulin$30,854
Shire of ManjimupUpgrade of floodlighting at Rea Park and the Collier Street Sporting Precinct$483,475
Shire of MooraInstallation of 100 lux lighting on the Moora football oval at the Moora Recreation Grounds$49,147
Swan Valley Sporting and Community Club IncInstallation of 100 Lux lighting to the football oval and 300 Lux lighting to the cricket oval$255,564
Tom Price BMX Club IncUpgrade of the BMX Track lighting to LED$24,990
Town of Victoria ParkUpgrade of floodlighting to 100 lux LED at Harold Rossiter Park$100,516
University of Western AustraliaInstallation of floodlighting to six clay courts at UWA Tennis Centre$63,002
Total $3,014,181


Page reviewed 25 March 2025