

8. Ensure clear responsibility and accountability for progress
Video taken on Oct 30, 2019, 11:43 AM

Case for Change video 8


What gets measured gets done

What gets measured gets done and outlining clear responsibility and accountability for progress ensures that you're are achieving gender diversity aligned with your strategic outcomes.

Your commitment to diversity helps to challenge traditional thinking around gender stereotypes in sport and recreation, reinforcing that sport and recreation is for everyone in the community.

Publicly announce your gender diversity targets

Consider appropriate communication channels for announcing your targets to the public. Your organisation could adopt a multi-channel approach through a number of these options:

  • Providing information on your website
  • Including it within your annual report
  • Regularly post on your social media account
  • Provide updates through newsletters to your members
  • Present the gender diversity targets at formal events e.g. Annual General Meetings, end of season celebrations, etc.

Measure progress against your gender diversity targets

Communicate your results against your targets within your organisation on a regular basis. Your organisation could take the opportunity to celebrate your success, for example with your sponsors, members and within the industry.

Create actions plans and assign accountability

Create actions plans and assign accountability to the right people within your organisation to ensure positive progress in achieving gender diversity is realised.

Revisiting the 8 key steps to improve gender diversity

Throughout the course of these videos, we have shared with you the eight key steps that your organisation needs to do in order to improve gender diversity. To recap, the eight key steps are to:

  • Ensure clear responsibility and accountability for progress
  • Ensure your organisational culture is welcoming and inclusive for women and new starters
  • Incorporate gender diversity considerations into your day-to-day operational activities
  • Incorporate gender diversity into your strategic plans
  • Establish gender diversity as a priority
  • Understand the business case for gender diversity
  • Build awareness and capability
  • Ensure policies and processes support your gender diversity objectives

We also discussed the key benefits that gender diversity can bring to your organisation and provide you with a strategic advantage. These key benefits, detailed within our research based case for change can be broken down into four key areas:

  • Attract and retain top talent
  • Enhance organisational performance
  • Platform for growth
  • Meet community expectations

Remember, a gender diverse Board and workforce generates tangible benefits, such as increased efficiency, productivity, innovation and employee engagement –irrespective of sector or size. It is up to all of us to keep gender on the agenda in order to improve gender diversity for senior leadership roles in sport and recreation.

What you should do

  • Announce your gender diversity targets publicly
  • Report results against your targets to the public and celebrate your success
  • Create actions plans and assign accountability within your organisation
Page reviewed 16 October 2020