
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Special Facility Licences — online wine sales

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to special facility ‘online wine sales’ licences and the matters that may be taken into consideration when determining an application for such a licence.

Website information for certain licences

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to websites maintained by, or on behalf of the licensee.

Special Facility Licences — foodhall

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to special facility ‘foodhall’ licences.

Special Facility Licences — catering

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to special facility catering licences and the matters that may be taken into consideration when determining an application for such a licence.

Special Facility Licences

Guidance as to the legislative and operational requirements associated with the grant, variation, substitution and cancellation of special facility licences.

Small bar licences

Guidance as to the intent of small bar licences and the legislative requirements associated with them. It also provides guidance as to other matters that the licensing authority may have regard to when considering applications for small bar licences.

Show cause proceedings — Section 64 of the Liquor Control Act 1988

Guidance as to the process that will be followed where the licensing authority proposes to impose, vary or cancel conditions on a licence on its own motion.

Section 40 certificate of local planning authority

Guidance on submitting an unconditional section 40 certificate (certificate of local planning authority) or development approval lodged in lieu of a section 40 certificate.

Safety and Security at licensed premises

Including those licences issued as an Occasional Licence.

Responsible promotion and advertising of liquor

This document provides the industry with a framework of practices to follow in the responsible promotion and advertising of liquor.

Residential premises — licensing requirement

Guidance as to the legislative requirements associated with the grant of a licence and it also identifies the matters that the licensing authority may have regard to when considering applications in respect of a residential premises.

Standards of licensed premises

Guidance as to the legislative requirements and criteria that will be used when considering the suitability of premises to be licensed under the Act.

Refusal of service — powers of licensees

This guideline explains the provisions of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (the Act) that can be relied upon by licensees and other authorised persons to refuse service to people.

Profit sharing and management agreements

Guidance on the legislative provisions relating to profit sharing and management arrangements, and the circumstances that must be taken into consideration when contemplating such arrangements.

Producer’s licence

Guidance for producers licence.

Proceedings before the director of liquor licensing

Under section 16 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (‘the Act’), the licensing authority is required to act without undue formality and is not bound by the legal rules of evidence.

Outlet density — packaged liquor premises

Guidance on packaged liquor sales.

Off-site storage of liquor

Under the Liquor Control Act 1988 (‘the Act’), the sale and supply of liquor must always take place on or from the licensed premises.

Occasional liquor licence

Guidance for occasional liquor licences.

Objections and submissions

Legislative requirements relevant to objections and submissions under the Act.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023