
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Audience Outlook Monitor: November 2021 — National and WA Snapshot

How national and Western Australian audiences felt in November 2021 about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts — Art gallery, library, museum and archive operations

This fact sheet highlights the key findings for art gallery, library, museum and archive operations from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts — Creative artists

This fact sheet highlights the key findings for creative artists from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts — Performing arts venues

This fact sheet highlights the key findings for performing arts venues from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts — Performing arts companies

This fact sheet highlights the key findings for performing arts companies from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts — Film, TV and games production

This fact sheet highlights the key findings for film, TV and games organisations from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Arts and Culture Monitor 2021 — Survey Report

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

Arts and Culture Monitor 2021 — Fact sheet

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

Creating a safer WA for children and young people

Creating a safer WA for children and young people

Arts, cultural, sport, recreation and community organisations have an ethical and legal responsibility to protect children from harm.

Audience Outlook Monitor: July 2021 — National and WA Snapshot

How national and Western Australian audiences felt in July 2021 about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Audience Outlook Monitor March 2021 - WA Snapshot

Audience Outlook Monitor: March 2021 — National and WA Snapshot

How national and Western Australian audiences felt in March 2021 about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\Audience Outlook Monitor Phase Three September 2020 — Western Australia Snapshot cover

Audience Outlook Monitor: Phase Three September 2020 — National and WA Snapshot

How national and Western Australian audiences felt in September 2020 about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Western Australian Cultural Infrastructure Investment Guidelines

Western Australian Cultural Infrastructure Investment Guidelines

The WA Cultural Infrastructure Investment Guidelines identifies outcomes for investing in cultural infrastructure, and can be used as a tool for robust, evidence-based assessment of cultural infrastructure proposals.

Western Australian Cultural Infrastructure Framework 2030+

Western Australian Cultural Infrastructure Framework 2030+

The WA Cultural Infrastructure Framework 2030+ identifies how cultural infrastructure can increase participation in arts, culture and creative activities for all Western Australians and showcase the State to the world.

Western Australian Cultural Infrastructure Framework 2030+ Summary

Western Australian Cultural Infrastructure Framework 2030+ Summary

The WA Cultural Infrastructure Framework 2030+ Summary outlines a roadmap for holistic cultural infrastructure planning and investment in the State until 2030 and beyond.

Western Australian  creative industries COVID-19 impacts

Western Australian creative industries: COVID-19 impacts survey report

This report highlights the key findings from the survey DLGSC commissioned to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.

Strategic Directions: 2020-2023 cover

Strategic Directions: 2020—2023

The department's strategic directions.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023