
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


The Next Chapter of WA's Liquor Laws — have your say cover

The Next Chapter of WA’s Liquor Laws

This was available for public comment from 17 November 2022 to 31 January 2023.


Guidance for licensees who want to have tastings on their licensed premises or at another licensed premises.

Outlet density of packaged liquor premises

Provisions which limit the density of licensed premises selling packaged liquor in any one area.

Extended trading permits

What extended trading permits are and their specific requirements.

Juveniles on licensed premises

Limited reasons why juveniles are only allowed to be on licensed premises.

Local Government Inspector and Monitors cover

Local Government Inspector and Monitors

Local Government Amendment Bill 2024

New breach system cover

New breach system

Local Government Amendment Bill 2024

Fact sheet cover - reforms to governance and committees

Reforms to governance and committees

Local Government Amendment Bill 2024

Report cover:  Concentric Circles - Guidance for Trails Tourism Close to Perth - May 2-24

Concentric Circles — Guidance for Trails Tourism Close to Perth

The Concentric Circles report, prepared by TRC Tourism on behalf of DLGSC applies a Concentric Circle Trails Study Methodology to develop a roadmap which will guide trail destination management and domestic trail visitation into the future.

Western Australian Screen Industry Strategy 2024-2034

The Western Australian Screen Industry Strategy: 2024-2034 brings together initiatives across government into a cohesive strategic framework

Child Safeguarding Policy

Outlines the responsibilities of DLGSC and Cultural Statutory Authorities in relation to child related work or interactions by employees, contractors, volunteers and third party organisations.

Long Service Leave Guideline

Guidance on the Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024 and leave entitlements of local government employees.

An image of the Strategic plan

Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia Strategic Plan 2024

Ensuring the integrity and fairness of gaming and wagering in Western Australia.

Document cover for  the GWC 2024-25 Compliance and Enforcement Priorities

Compliance and enforcement priorities 2024 to 2025

This document outlines the current enforcement powers, priorities and regulatory posture of the Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia (GWC).

Y:\Website\Problem Gambling Support Services Strategic Plan 2017-2020

Problem Gambling Support Services Committee Strategic Plan 2017-2020

Gambling for most people is a form of entertainment that is enjoyed responsibly, however, for some people their gambling can lead to problems that may not only affect them individually, but also have an effect on their families and friends.

Standardised Meeting Procedures Consultation Paper cover

Standardised Meeting Procedures

Local Government Reform

Page reviewed 07 September 2023