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Arts and Culture Minister David Templeman (seated centre) with State Cultural Treasures.

WA artists honoured at State Cultural Treasures Awards

Nov 26, 2024
Nine Western Australian artists have been recognised for their outstanding, lifelong contributions to the arts sector and community at the State Cultural Treasures Awards in Perth.

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Historical photo, Circa 1916 showing Aboriginal people gathering at the Carrolup Settlement for food distribution

New database establishes links to former Aboriginal settlement

Media release

We've released a searchable database of the men, women and children admitted to Carrolup Settlement between 1915 and 1922, and those who passed away and were buried at Carrolup or the nearby Katanning Cemetery up until 1949.
Mina Mina by Renita Brown Nungurrayi © Renita Brown Nungurray

2024 Reconciliation Week Street Banners are up

Media release

Organisations and local governments across metropolitan Perth and regional WA have once again joined together in a stunning display of unity through the annual Reconciliation Week Street Banners Project.
Photo of award winners holding framed certificate in front of a banner and curtain

Event recognises volunteering excellence in the Great Southern

Media release

Two highly respected volunteers in the Great Southern community have been recognised for their contribution to the local sporting community at an awards night in Albany.
Wongi man Johnny Grey, also known as Pannican, is one of the many Trackers featured in the database. Considered one of the best Trackers of his time,  Pannican worked for the police in the Laverton-Leonora area from 1942 to 1962.

Tracking down the history of WA’s Aboriginal Police Trackers

Media release

The names and details of more than 400 Aboriginal men who played a crucial role in tracking and wayfinding for Western Australian Police between 1931 and 1954 have been released.
Learning to pour a beer behind the bar

Longer trading hours for fans to enjoy football championship

Media release

Applications are now open for pubs and bars in Western Australian to stay open longer and serve liquor while showing televised matches of the upcoming UEFA EURO 2024 Championship.
A crowd of people watch and listen to a band on a stage , surrounded by large trees.

Words, song, photos and music all part of regional vitality

Media release

A writers’ festival, multicultural celebrations, a photography project and a pub full of sea shanties are among the activities funded in the latest round of regional arts grants.
A crowd at the Perth 2024 ISPA Conference are standing a clapping

WA to host Australian Performing Arts Market

Media release

The Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) will be hosted in Western Australia for the first time in the major event’s 30-year history.
A small group of Aboriginal people sit on the ground painting on an unstretched canvas

Funding to support connection to country in WA communities

Media release

The State Government’s Connecting to Country grant program is continuing to support Western Australia’s Aboriginal people and organisations to transfer knowledge between generations and preserve culture – 20 projects will each receive up to $25,000 this year.
Woman leans over desk and shakes the hand of a man visiting her office

Funding to establish the Office of the Local Government Inspector

Media release

The first stage of establishing the proposed new local government inspector and monitors will get underway, with the State Government allocating $702,000 in the State Budget to begin planning and establishing this new office that will prevent and address dysfunction in local government in WA.
A small group of people are looking at Aboriginal art works on the wall in an art gallery

Emerging talent in spotlight for Revealed 2024 art exhibition

Media release

When Revealed 2024 opens its doors on 9 May, visitors to the Aboriginal Art Exhibition at Fremantle Arts Centre will have the opportunity to see more than 150 pieces from some of WA’s finest First Nations artists.
Alluvial Gold by Louise Devenish, Erin Coates and Stuart James. Produced by Tura New Music. Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, June 2022. Photo by Edify Media.

Three million dollars in grants for arts and culture projects in WA

Media release

75 community organisations, groups and individuals across Western Australia will benefit from $3,107,488 in grants to support arts, music, and cultural projects and events in WA via 2 funding streams.
A person swimming at a local swimming pool

Funding helps regional athletes achieve sporting dreams

Media release

Regional athletes are kicking goals with the latest round of funding to support their ongoing development close to home — more than $2.6 million in total being provided by the State Government.
Behind the scenes of a film production with equipment on a truck

State Government investing in WA’s job-creating screen industry

Media release

The State Government will invest $31.9 million over 4 years to implement a new screen industry strategy as part of its economic diversification plans, with initiatives that grow the local screen industry and establish Western Australia as a major international and national screen production destination.
An artist swinging from a tree in regional WA.

Regional arts are enriched by funding boost

Media release

Organisers of a much-loved music festival and art enrichment programs are among the recipients of funding in the latest round of the Regional Arts Sector Investment Program (RASI).
Local Government Minister Hannah Beazley MLA at Pinjar ORV site near Wanneroo

Upgrade to off-road vehicle areas

Media release

The upgrade of two ORV areas in York and Ledge Point are providing safe and environmentally friendly sites for trail bike, quad bike and all-terrain vehicle users.
Logo for PALS - Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing

School funding to advance the journey of Aboriginal reconciliation

Media release

Advancing and promoting Aboriginal reconciliation in the community through WA school and kindergarten projects is the aim of a DLGSC program which is currently offering a total of $799,000 in grants.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023