
Latest news from the department.

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A stylised banner with an image of an outdoor cinema with the words, 'Local government elections 2023. Speak for those who can't. Stand for your local council. Nominations open 31 August 2023.'

Make your voice heard by becoming a local government councillor

Aug 9, 2023
Members of the Western Australian community are being urged to consider nominating for the upcoming local government elections to be able to influence the decisions being made that potentially impact the lives of thousands of residents.

All news

Image of the MyCouncil website on a laptop

Financial Health Indicator

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is reviewing the Financial Health Indicator, which is available on the MyCouncil website.

New CEO for Metropolitan Cemetery Board

Local Government Minister John Carey has announced the appointment of Kathlene Oliver to the role of Metropolitan Cemetery Board CEO, replacing Acting CEO Joe Fortuna.

Spotlight on Rosemary Madacsi, Shire of Toodyay President

Shire of Toodyay President Rosemary Madacsi talks about her experience on council and what can be done to encourage more women to nominate for local government.

Compliance framework update

An updated compliance framework for local government will be developed after DLGSC engaged external provider Nous Group to carry out this important work.
Close up of two office workers' hands looking over papers on a desk

Local Government Regulations Amendment (Financial Management and Audit) Regulations 2022

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the department) is working with local government stakeholders towards the introduction of Model Financial Statements for the 2022-23 financial year.
Close up of a calculator and financial information on a page

Local Governments Financial Audit Preparedness 2021-22

LG Alert

With the start of the new financial year, WA local governments should ensure that they are in a position to allow the preparation of their financial statements and financial audits run as smoothly as possible.
A woman sitting at a desk using a calculator

2022-23 Budget and proposed regulatory changes

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is working with local government stakeholders towards the introduction of Model Financial Statements for 2022-23 financial year.
Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags

Flying of flags: National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week

LG Alert

Flying the Indigenous Flags on National Sorry Day and throughout National Reconciliation Week recognises the significance of these events for all Australians and is a sign of respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture.
Local street

Differential general rates and minimum payments

LG Alert

Western Australia’s local governments are required to advertise their rates from 1 May.
Aerial view of crowd connected by lines

Open by Design principles free webinar

LG Alert

The Office of the Information Commissioner is launching a series of new publications about Open by Design principles.
An artist's impression of the Perth Cultural Centre

Perth Cultural Centre Masterplan released

The State Government has allocated an additional $15 million in funding to deliver an expanded redevelopment of the Perth Cultural Centre (PCC).
Business owner standing in front of their patisserie with customers using an alfresco area

South Freo patisserie first to receive grant in $5 million COVID-19 Activating Alfresco program

The first rebate in the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ Activating Alfresco Rebate Program has been made to a local patisserie in South Fremantle.
A close-up photo of audience members

COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor

March 2022 results out now.
Close up of a crowd holding their hands up at a music event

Event Grants Program

The State Government has announced a new $4 million event grants program towards events and activities to revitalise the CBD and Northbridge.
Australian flag

Flying of flags: ANZAC Day

LG Alert

Anzac Day is a day of special significance to all Australians, particularly for our serving military personnel and returned veterans.
High angle view of a townscape against sky during sunset

Submissions to the proposed local government reforms

Submissions to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries on proposed local government reforms are now available for viewing.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023