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A stylised banner with an image of an outdoor cinema with the words, 'Local government elections 2023. Speak for those who can't. Stand for your local council. Nominations open 31 August 2023.'

Make your voice heard by becoming a local government councillor

Aug 9, 2023
Members of the Western Australian community are being urged to consider nominating for the upcoming local government elections to be able to influence the decisions being made that potentially impact the lives of thousands of residents.

All news

Two women smiling in a park

Wellbeing index for Western Australia

Australian National Development Index (ANDI) Roundtable is taking place this month, drawing together state government director generals who will explore the development of a Western Australian wellbeing index.
Greyhounds as pets

New laws proposed for retired racing greyhounds

The State Government is proposing changes to the law that will give new life to retired racing greyhounds.
A local Christmas pagent with community members in a crowd

Panel appointed to help develop new Local Government Act for WA

Local Government Minister David Templeman today announced the formation of an expert panel to progress the development of a new Local Government Act for Western Australia.
A group of people sitting in a boardroom

Invitation to attend a workshop for new Mayors, Presidents and Deputies

LG Alert

Following the recent local government elections, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is running a free, one-day workshop for new Mayors, Presidents, Deputy Mayors and Deputy Presidents.
Wheatbelt winners … part of the Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Route team at the awards.

Wheatbelt roads project is a winner!

A Wheatbelt freight project involving 42 local governments has won the Making a Difference award at the recent Regional Achievement and Community Awards.
A portrait of Halls Creek CEO Noel Mason

'Halls Creek is ready to grow'

Noel Mason is a local government journeyman who’s working with his team to help implement several innovative programs to tackle local issues.
A crowd cheering a band on stage with the Raffles Hotel in the background

Highway councils band together to stage AC/DC tribute

Three metropolitan councils are banding together to help create a family event that promises to be one of the highlights of the 2020 Festival of Perth.
Montage of people

Elections herald a new era in local government

The local government elections held on 19 October herald a new era for local government in WA — and the culmination of two years’ behind-the-scenes work by staff at the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
Gifts Framework

New gifts framework

LG Alert

On 20 October 2019, the new gifts framework contained within the Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019 will come into operation. This new gift framework has been simplified, with the focus on transparency and accountability.
2020 in blocks

Alternative Queen's Birthday public holiday dates 2020

LG Alert

The Governor has declared that the Celebration Day for the Anniversary of the Birthday of the Reigning Sovereign (Queen's Birthday public holiday) will be observed in 2020 on Monday 28 September.
Close up of 2 office workers checking a page on a clipboard

Proclamation of Local Government Amendment (Auditing) Act 2017

LG Alert

Local governments are advised that the Local Government Amendment (Auditing) Act 2017 was proclaimed on Friday, 27 October 2017 in the WA Government Gazette No. 207, page 5413.
Calendar on office desk table

Alternative Queen's Birthday Public Holiday dates 2018

LG Alert

The Governor has declared that the Celebration Day for the Anniversary of the Birthday of the Reigning Sovereign (Queen's Birthday public holiday) will be observed in 2018 on Monday 24 September.
An close up image of a trail bike river on a dirt road

Controlling Off-road Vehicles in Your Community

LG Alert

In light of recent off-road vehicle incidents across the State, local governments are reminded of the options available for controlling off-road vehicle use in the community.
A woman woirking at a desk with a laptop and writing pad.

Country Local Government Fund — Youth Development Program 2016-17

LG Alert

Recently, I have had the privilege of awarding funding through the Country Local Government Fund – Youth Development Program to 25 local government scholarship recipients and 12 local governments to implement traineeship programs.
High angle view of currency and calculator on table - stock photo

Regulation Amendment Changes to Fixed Term Deposit Investment Period

LG Alert

I am pleased to advise that following feedback from the local government sector, the McGowan Government has responded to requests to change the period of time that local governments can invest in fixed term deposits.
Image of the MyCouncil website on a laptop

MyCouncil Website Data Update

LG Alert

Local government 2015-16 financial data will be available on the MyCouncil comparative website from Thursday 1 June 2017.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023