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Ombudsman Webinar: Reportable Conduct Scheme

LG Alert

The Ombudsman WA is overseeing implementation of the Reportable Conduct Scheme (the Scheme) as recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Australian flag

Australian National Flag at half-mast and observance of 1 minute of silence

LG Alert

Remembrance Day, Friday 11 November 2022
Videoconferencing. Image: Getty Images/Morsa Images

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2022

LG Alert

The State Government has introduced new provisions to enable Western Australian local governments to continue to conduct council meetings electronically.
Two people working on a computer.

Provisions for electronic meetings in local governments

LG Alert

On health advice, Western Australia’s State of Emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic is set to end on 12.01am, the morning of Friday 4 November. WA’s strong health outcomes mean we are exceptionally well placed to move into the next stage of the pandemic.
Image of the MyCouncil website on a laptop

MyCouncil website

LG Alert

The MyCouncil website is a place for residents, ratepayers and the local government sector to view and compare information on how local governments are raising, spending and managing funds.

National Children’s Week and the DLGSC Child Safeguarding Unit

LG Alert

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (the Royal Commission) recognised the important role that local governments play in developing community awareness about child safety.

Publishing council and committee meeting minutes

LG Alert

Local governments that fail to publish minutes of council meetings and meetings of committees with delegated authority are in breach of the Local Government Act 1995.
Australian flag

Australian National Flag at half-mast

LG Alert

Wednesday 12 October 2022, 20th anniversary of the Bali bombings.
A stock image of a group of people meeting in a boardroom

CEO Standards for Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination

LG Alert

CEO Standards for Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination (CEO Standards) were introduced in Western Australia in February 2021.
Image of a cat sitting on a dogs head

Centralised Registration System for Cats and Dogs: RFI issued

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has issued a Request for Information for the procurement of a centralised registration system for cats and dogs.
This is a voting card marked with an x in the second box with a pencil. The focus is on the pencil tip.

Local government — election transitions

LG Alert

Minister for Local Government Hon. John Carey will be advising all Western Australian local governments of pathways to the election reforms, which were announced as a wider package of local government reforms on 3 July 2022.
Close up of a calculator and financial information on a page

Audit results report identifies financial audit issues

LG Alert

The Auditor General has tabled in Parliament the Financial Audit Results — Local Government 2020-21. At the time of tabling 16 audits remained outstanding.
Australian flag

Australian National Flag at half-mast

LG Alert

State Funeral Service, United Kingdom, Her Majesty the Queen.
Australian flag

Australian National Flag to return to full-mast following the proclamation of King Charles the Third

LG Alert

Sunday 11 September 2022
Australian flag

Australian National Flag to fly at half-mast

LG Alert

Her Majesty the Queen
Australian flag

Flying of Flags: Australian National Flag Day

LG Alert

Australian National Flag Day, celebrated on 3 September 2022, marks 121 years since the Australian National Flag was first officially flown in 1901 at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, the site of Australia’s first Parliament.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023