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Illustration of stages along a road

Phase 3 of COVID-19 roadmap to commence from Saturday, June 6

Media release

The State Government has announced Phase 3 of the roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in WA, with significant changes coming into effect from Saturday, June 6.
The Pleasure Garden at Fringe World Festival. Photo by Court McAllister.

COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor – WA results

WA results from the Audience Outlook Monitor are available now, showing how Western Australian audiences feel about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19.
Culture and Arts Minister David Templeman, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt and AGWA Foundation Chair, Warwick Hemsley in the Art Gallery of Western Australia.

Support for WA artists through $1.5 million COVID support program

The State Government has approved a $1.5 million support package, developed by the Art Gallery of Western Australia's Board and the Art Gallery's Foundation, to help Western Australian artists during the COVID-19 emergency.
Hand signing a document

COVID Safety Guidelines and COVID Safety Plans

LG Alert

The WA Government has implemented a staged lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and developed guidelines to assist businesses and community activities to reopen or recommence.
Minister joined by Nollamara football legend Des Headland and members of the Nollamara Football club

State Government fast tracks community sport grants to assist with COVID-19 recovery

The State Government will fast-track $12 million in funding applications for community sport and recreation projects to expedite the projects and support Western Australia's economy as part of the COVID-19 recovery.
Live audience

COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor

Six government agencies are collaborating with researchers to track how Australian audiences feel about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Paperwork on desk

Procurement - Contract Extensions and Variations

On 4 May 2020, the Auditor General tabled a performance audit report in Parliament on local government contract extensions and variations.

How you can support your volunteers

To coincide with National Volunteer Week, here are some resources and tips to help sport and recreation organisations recognise and support their volunteers.
State Library of Western Australia building exterior

State Library reopens - Welcome home

Media release

The State Library of Western Australia has today (May 18) reopened its doors to the public after being closed for 56 days.
Man sitting in a library

COVID-19 Easing of restrictions – Further information for Public Libraries

LG Alert

The State Government has announced the easing of restrictions (phase 2) commencing Monday, 18 May 2020.

Council meetings

LG Alert

The Premier has announced that from 18 May gatherings of 20 people will be permitted. What does this mean for council meetings?
Library shelves

Local government sector urged to take leadership role

LG Alert

The local government sector has a key role to play in the Phase 2 easing of restrictions and in helping communities get back on their feet and the economy back on track.

State Government exercises new powers to help ratepayers

The Minister for Local Government has exercised his new powers under the Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020.
Person writing

Local Government (COVID-19 response) Order 2020

LG Alert

As you would be aware, the Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 was passed by Parliament on 16 April 2020 and came into effect on 21 April 2020.
Staff member using office equipment

Financial assistance provided to local governments

LG Alert

WA Government makes $100 million borrowing facility available to local governments to assist with cash flow.

Amendments to Purchasing Policy

LG Alert

Local government purchasing policies in the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 to be amended.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023