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A scene from the installation TIME • RONE showing a commerical sewing room, with a young woman's portrait on the wall.

World-renowned street-artist’s Perth exhibition

Jun 27, 2024
A must-see attraction this winter — Perth welcomes an immersive art exhibition by globally acclaimed street artist Rone in the latest cultural event supported by the State Government.

All news

Hikers walking across a new bridge

New Collie trail and bridge ready for hikers to enjoy

The State Government is stepping up its support for the town of Collie, with the next section of the Wiilman Bilya trail now open.
Australian flag

Australian National Flag to return to full-mast following the proclamation of King Charles the Third

LG Alert

Sunday 11 September 2022
Australian flag

Australian National Flag to fly at half-mast

LG Alert

Her Majesty the Queen
Female football players standing in a group in Fremantle colours with the Premier, Ministers, Mayor and officials.

Boost for AFLW and community footy

A multi-million-dollar upgrade to community changerooms that will address the shortage of female and community facilities in the growing south-west metro corridor will be delivered in collaboration between the City of Cockburn, Fremantle Dockers and the State Government.
A coach watching her players

State Government announces grants to promote volunteering

To increase awareness and encourage the uptake of volunteering in Western Australia, the State Government today announced a $100,000 grants program to support volunteer service organisations.

Second round opens for $4 million CBD Revitalisation Grant Program

Round 2 of the $4 million CBD Revitalisation Grant Program offering up to $100,000 in funding for eligible events is now open after a strong response to the first round which attracted 76 applicants.
Australian flag

Flying of Flags: Australian National Flag Day

LG Alert

Australian National Flag Day, celebrated on 3 September 2022, marks 121 years since the Australian National Flag was first officially flown in 1901 at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, the site of Australia’s first Parliament.
Behind the Scenes on Mystery Road Origin. Photography by David Dare Parker. © Bunya Productions

WA rolls out red carpet for film and TV projects with $20m fund

The State Government has delivered on an election commitment of $20 million in funding, to draw national and international screen productions to Western Australia.
A close up photo of someone pressing a key on a keyboard with the word, 'complaint' on it

Guidance on managing customer complaints

LG Alert

Effective complaint handling is fundamental to the provision of a quality service but responding to complainants can be complex, challenging, and does not always suit a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Close up of a calculator and financial information on a page

Local Government Financial Better Practice Review Program

LG Alert

The Financial Better Practice Review Program is a new DLGSC initiative to strengthen the local government sector.
An infographic with the information: The gross benefit of organised sport in WA each year is $10.3b. Economic and employment $4.85b. Physical and mental health $3.02b. Personal wellbeing and broader social benefits $2.39b.

Western Australia’s $10.3 billion benefit from community sport

Sport and Recreation Minister David Templeman has welcomed findings that community sport delivers a yearly $10.3 billion economic and social benefit to our State.
A person casting their vote

Be prepared for absent votes

LG Alert

There are a high number of Extraordinary Elections scheduled for various local council vacancies in the coming months and all local governments need to be prepared to issue absent votes.
A man being interviewed by the media

Site selected for Western Australia’s new Aboriginal Cultural Centre

A world-class Aboriginal Cultural Centre for Western Australia is a step closer to becoming a reality with the selection of a Terrace Road site as the preferred location for the centre.
A general exterior view of the WA Museum Boola Bardip

WA Museum Boola Bardip achieves major milestone

The WA Museum Boola Bardip has welcomed its one millionth visitor since opening in November 2020, marking a major milestone in the history of the $400 million award-winning facility.
Business people with bribe at desk in office

Guide to managing fraud and corruption risks

LG Alert

All organisations, public and private, face the risk of fraud. Local governments can benefit from a better understanding of their specific fraud risks and taking a coordinated approach to managing them.
Minister Templeman with some of the WA games delegation being supported to attend Gamescom 2022 in Germany.

WA games and interactive industry heads to Gamescom

5 WA game studios will attend the world’s biggest computer and video games event in Cologne, Germany — Gamescom — thanks to a $50,000 State Government grant.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023