Competition area

The competition area is a minimum of 14m x 14m and is divided into two zones. The inner zone called the contest area is a minimum of 8m x 8m to a maximum of 10m x 10m. The outer zone is the safety area and is a minimum of 3m wide. 

The contest area is a different colour to the safety area.

When using two or more adjoining competition areas, the common or shared safety area is 4m.
A free zone, a minimum of 50cm, must be maintained around the entire competition area.


The competition area is covered by a Tatamis or similar material. The Tatamis is made of pressed foam and is 1m x 2m or 1m x 1m.


The platform is optional and is made of solid wood. It measures approximately 18m x 18m. When using a platform, it is recommended that the safety area is a minimum of 4m wide around the competition area.

Judo competition area dimensiions


International Judo Federation. Refereeing Rules 2014-2016 (PDF 155 KB)

Sport association details

Judo Western Australia Inc

Jacob Read  
Chief Executive Officer
C/- Harden East and Conti Pty Ltd PO Box 252
West Perth WA 6005
Telephone 0432 174 757


The information in this guide is general in nature and cannot be relied upon as professional advice concerning the design of, or marking out for, sporting facilities and playing areas. No assurance is given as to the accuracy of any information contained in this guide and readers should not rely on its accuracy. Readers should obtain their own independent and professional advice in relation to their proposed sporting activity.

Page reviewed 23 March 2021