This form is to be used by local governments for an application to the Minister for Local Government to impose a minimum payment on vacant land that applies to a greater percentage of vacant properties than is allowed under Section 6.35 of the Local Government Act 1995.
To assist with completing the application form, please ensure that the Rating Policy: Minimum Payments is reviewed. This policy outlines the legislative basis for an application as well as what guides the Minister’s decision when considering applications.
The information you provide will be used by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for the purpose of assessing the application.
Should you require assistance with completing this form, please telephone the department on (08) 6552 7300 or toll free for country callers on 1800 634 541, or email
For a Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) telephone 13 14 50.
Before submitting this application, please ensure that:
- the matters within the Rating Policy: Minimum Payments have been complied with
- separate application forms are used if submitting an Unimproved Value (UV) and a Gross Rental Value (GRV) application
- minimum payments can only be imposed if there are differential rates being imposed
- public notice has been for a period of at least 21 days, not including the date of advertisement
- all relevant attachments are included,. as that applications will not be processed until all relevant attachments are received by the department
- adequate consultation has been undertaken (for example, if there are fewer than 30 ratepayers in a category, each ratepayer should be contacted individually)
- local governments may also wish to view the Rating Processes webinar.