Sport and Recreation Inclusive Participation Grants Program


Sport and Recreation Industry Priorities — August 2021


The Department of Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) supports the Western Australian Government’s commitment to participation for all in all aspects of sport and active recreation for all Western Australians.

The Sport and Recreation Industry Priorities report (August 2021) was developed to document evidence-based industry priorities, guide resource allocation and inform the review and/or development of initiatives that are delivered by DLGSC to support the industry. 17 evidence-based priorities were identified across 5 focus areas of value, people, system and structures, environment and opportunity.

4 focus areas and nine priorities support participation for all in sport and recreation:

  1. People

    The industry has access to:

    • sector and position specific learning and development opportunities, tailored to the needs of volunteers and paid personnel.
  2. Structures and systems

    The industry is equipped to:

    • effectively collaborate/partner/engage with stakeholders to achieve common goals and objectives
    • ensure systems and structures are representative of the Western Australian community including diversity in age, culture, ability, gender and location.
  3. Environment

    The industry is equipped to:

    • ensure the settings in which activity takes place are accessible, protected and available into the future
    • provide safe environments for participants.
  4. Opportunity

    The industry is equipped to:

    • provide opportunities for participants to develop their skills, and experience progressively
    • provide information, education and entry level participation opportunities for those new to an activity
    • understand the unique locations, demographics and differences within the Western Australian community and take into account differing needs during product/program development
    • reduce/minimise barriers to participation.

The Inclusive Participation Grants Program has been designed to invest in organisations that will develop and deliver inclusive participation projects that align with the four focus areas and nine priorities that support participation for all in sport and recreation activities. 

Sport and Recreation Inclusive Participation Grants program information

About the program

The Sport and Recreation Inclusive Participation Grants Program provides financial support to organisations to create inclusive, accessible, safe and welcoming environments, operations and participation opportunities in sport and recreation settings for people from low participation groups. 

This includes support to provide entry level or skill development participation opportunities, education and training opportunities for the sport and recreation workforce, including volunteers, and develop partnerships with a minimum of one other organisation.

The DLGSC is seeking applications for projects ranging from one to three years that will support participation for all in sport and recreation activities by reducing the barriers to participation for low participation groups across Western Australia.

Outcome and objectives

The outcome of the program is that:

  • Inclusive, accessible, safe and welcoming environments, operations and participation opportunities are created in sport and recreation settings for people from low participation groups.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Provide inclusive participation opportunities for people from low participation groups to engage in sport and/or active recreation activities at an entry level or to progress and develop skills and experience.
  • Build the capacity, skills and knowledge of the sport and recreation workforce to develop and implement inclusive environments, operations and/or participation opportunities.
  • Develop partnerships between sport and active recreation organisations and community service providers to develop and implement inclusive environments, operations and/or participation opportunities.


Low participation groups
Low participation groups are those groups that face significant challenges and barriers to participate in sport and active recreation. The groups may include people with disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds, adolescent girls (10 to 19 years), Aboriginal people/s, people from the LGTBQI+ community, seniors and disengaged youth.
Inclusion is proactive behaviours, options, and actions to make people from all backgrounds, ages and abilities feel welcome, respected and they belong.
Diversity is the mix of peoples’ different attributes and backgrounds (for example, race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion).
Sport is a human activity capable of achieving a result requiring physical exertion and/or physical skill which by nature and organisation, is competitive and is generally accepted as being a sport.
Active recreation
Active recreation are activities engaged in for the purpose of relaxation, health and wellbeing or enjoyment with the primary activity requiring physical exertion, and the primary focus on human activity.
Sport and active recreation organisations
Organisations that provide sport and active recreation activities including:
  • DLGSC recognised State Sporting Associations
  • DLGSC recognised State Active Recreation Organisations
Sport and recreation clubs
An incorporated association that delivers sport and/or active recreation activities to the community and may or may not be affiliated with a national sporting organisation, state sporting association, state active recreation organisation or peak body.
Local government authorities
Local government is the 'grassroots' level of government in Australia. Its council members are ideally placed to monitor the changing needs of local communities, to plan and implement strategies to meet those needs, and to bring local concerns to the attention of the State Government and Commonwealth Government.
Community sport and recreation service providers
Organisations with core business that includes providing sport and active recreation activities for low participation groups.
Community service providers
Organisations that service low participation groups that provide support to sustain and nurture the functioning of individuals and groups, to address physical, social and economic disadvantage, maximise their potential and to enhance community well-being.

Eligible organisations

The following organisations are eligible to apply:

  • DLGSC recognised state sporting associations (SSAs)
  • DLGSC recognised state active recreation organisations (SAROs)
  • Local Government Authorities (LGAs)
  • Community sport and recreation service providers
  • Community service providers.

To be eligible for funding, organisations must:

  • be incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 2015 (WA) or a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001 or an Indigenous organisation under the Corporations (Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) or be registered as a Local Government Entity in Western Australia
  • possess an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • maintain appropriate and sufficient insurance cover for the duration of the project. A certificate of currency of insurance for the coming year should be provided upon application. Please note, for Public Liability Insurance, a minimum value of $10 million per claim or occurrence giving rise to a claim is required.

In addition, the following will apply:

  • Organisations with outstanding acquittals for any DLGSC grant may have payments withheld until outstanding acquittal documentation is satisfactorily completed.

Ineligible organisations

  • State and Commonwealth government agencies
  • unincorporated not-for-profit organisations
  • commercial or for-profit organisations
  • educational institutions/agencies including schools, universities, and TAFE colleges.

Sport and recreation inclusive participation grants program investment framework

  • The Sport and Recreation Inclusive Participation Grants Program is an application-based program with funding allocated to support the scope and geographic reach of projects.
  • The program is an open and competitive grants program with applications assessed against the assessment criteria and ranked based on the merits of proposals.
  • Organisations can apply for between $20,000 to $150,000 per annum to deliver a project.
  • Single and multi-year grants are available.
  • Organisations must contribute a minimum of 10% financial and 10% in-kind support to the total project costs.
  • Grants should not constitute the entire financial base of an organisation.
  • Auspice arrangements are not accepted.

The program will invest in projects as follows:

Category Objectives Amount
Research, development and pilot project

Support for organisations to research, develop and test a sport and recreation inclusive participation model to determine its effectiveness.

Length of grant: single year.

$20,000 to $50,000 per annum
Community place-based project

Support for organisations to develop and deliver an inclusive participation model for a community place-based project — 1 metropolitan or regional location.

Length of grant: 1, 2 or 3-year options.

$20,000 to $50,000 per annum
Small metro and regional reach project

Support for organisations to develop and deliver an inclusive participation model for a small metro and regional reach project — minimum of 1 metropolitan and 1 regional location.

Length of grant: 1, 2 or 3-year options.

$20,000 to $100,000 per annum
Large metro and regional reach project

Support for organisations to develop and deliver an inclusive participation model for a large metro and regional reach project — minimum of 4 locations with a combination in metropolitan and regional WA.

Length of grant: 1, 2 or 3-year options.

$50,000 to $150,000 per annum

Location refers to a specific DLGSC region (projects need to incorporate a minimum of one area within a specific DLGSC region) and these include: 

  • Gascoyne
  • Goldfields
  • Great Southern
  • Kimberley
  • Metropolitan
  • Mid West
  • Peel
  • Pilbara
  • South West
  • Wheatbelt.

Funding can be used for

  • project-based staffing costs (for example, engagement of a contract project officer)
  • consultant fees and/or presenter fees associated with delivery of relevant education, workshops and training courses.
  • registration fees to attend relevant education, training and workshops
  • training of volunteers and required approvals (for example, attainment of coaching and officiating skills/qualifications, Working with Children Checks, first aid course fees)
  • venue and equipment hire (not owned or occupied by applicant)
  • intrastate travel and accommodation costs (for example, presenter/program delivery personnel travel to regional locations)
  • transport costs (for example, bus hire and fuel)
  • advertising, publicity, promotion, marketing, printing, and publishing costs
  • catering for volunteers directly involved during project delivery
  • provision of interpreting and translating services.

Funding may not be used for

  • individual membership fees
  • existing, ongoing, or recurrent organisational costs (for example, non-project-related salaries, insurance, lease or rental payments, administration expenses)
  • projects that would be more appropriately supported through an alternative funding source or existing DLGSC grants program
  • projects undertaken outside Western Australia
  • projects that have already been funded by DLGSC, unless it expands the reach (for example, expanded in new regions, extension of a pilot program, targets new low participation groups)
  • programs that have already taken place or have commenced
  • capital works (for example, purchase of land or buildings, repairs, extensions, renovations, maintenance, or trail construction)
  • purchase of capital equipment (for example, computers, photocopiers, and vehicles)
  • purchase of merchandise or sporting and recreation equipment (for example, clothing, uniforms, safety equipment, adaptive equipment and water bottles).
  • trophies, prize money or gifts
  • hospitality functions (for example, awards dinners, catering, alcohol, entertainment).

How to apply

Applicant information

  • Read and understand the grant guidelines before commencing the application process.
  • You must discuss your project with DLGSC before applying. 
  • Only 1 application per organisation will be considered. 
  • Late applications will not be accepted. 
  • Incomplete applications may be considered unsuccessful upon submission. 
  • Complete all sections of the application form and submit with the following supporting documentation:

    • detailed project plan
    • a partnership plan
    • supporting partnership evidence (via a letter, agreement, or other document) that demonstrates an agreed collaboration (partnership plan) between 1 or more organisations for the delivery of the project
    • a comprehensive budget
    • a copy of your organisation’s incorporation certificate
    • a copy of current public liability insurance certificate (minimum required is $10 million).

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning Category
September 2024 12:00am 9 September 2024 Not applicable 5:00pm 7 October 2024 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2028
  • Research, development and pilot project
  • Small metro and regional reach project
  • Community place-based project
  • Large metro and regional reach project

Assessment, approval and acquittal process

Assessment and approval process

  1. DLGSC Grants Administrators will assess applications for compliance with the eligibility criteria. 
  2. DLGSC Grants Assessors will conduct a preliminary assessment of eligible applications against the assessment criteria and provide a summary, which may include scores, rankings, funding allocations and rationale, for an assessment panel to consider. 
  3. A panel will be formed to conduct an independent review of the assessment process, the preliminary assessment information and ratify recommended applicants to be submitted to the DLGSC Director General for endorsement and submit to the Minister for Sport and Recreation for approval. The panel will comprise two independent DLGSC staff and one independent external assessor with relevant expertise. 
  4. The Minister for Sport and Recreation to approve the recommended applicants as per the relevant funding source legislation. 
  5. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing. 
  6. Applicants may not be successful or may not be funded to the full amount requested. 

Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed against the following 5 criteria:

  1. Community need

    The application demonstrates the needs of the low participation group/s in the identified location/s of the project and how this has been informed (for example, community consultation, research and trends).

  2. Benefits

    The application outlines the benefits that will be achieved by delivering this project and demonstrates how the program’s objectives will be achieved including:

    • provide inclusive participation opportunities for people from low participation groups to engage in sport and/or active recreation activities at an entry level or to progress and develop skills and experience
    • build the capacity, skills and knowledge of the sport and recreation workforce to develop and implement inclusive environments, operations and/or participation opportunities.
  3. Partnerships

    The application demonstrates that the project will:

    • be delivered in partnership between sport and/or active recreation organisations, local governments and community service providers
    • identify the key stakeholders
    • how the key stakeholders will contribute to the outcome and objectives of the grants program.
  4. Organisational capacity and capability

    The organisation demonstrates their readiness, capacity, and capability to deliver the project.

  5. Project plan and budget
    The application is supported by a detailed project plan and demonstrates how the project will be promoted and evaluated. The project is based on a comprehensive budget and represents value for money.

Each assessment criteria are weighted equally.

Conditions of funding agreements

  • If your organisation has an ABN and is registered for Good and Services Tax (GST), the grant will be grossed up by 10% of the grant amount.
  • If your organisation has an ABN and is not registered for GST, no GST will be paid.

Grant agreement

  • Approved applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement that outlines the grant conditions, key deliverables, and acquittal requirements. Once signed and returned, the grant will be paid directly to the eligible applicant body.
  • No grant monies will be paid to an individual.

Acquittal requirements

  • At the completion of the first and second years of the project, your organisation will need to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement and develop and agree to a key results schedule for the next project period.
  • At the completion of the project, your organisation will need to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement.
  • Your acquittal report must be submitted within 30 days of the project completion date as specified in the grant agreement.

DLGSC acknowledgement and evaluation

  • Successful organisations will be required to acknowledge DLGSC. Further details will be provided to successful applicants within their grant agreement.
  • Successful organisations will be required to participate in any research and/or evaluations relating to this funding and/or their funded projects.

Further information

Aaron Morse
Manager — Participation
Department of Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries
Telephone 61 8 9492 9758

Page reviewed 03 September 2024