PALS Progress Report

Complete the progress report for your PALS project.

Project update

As a recipient of PALS Tier 2 funding your school is required to submit this Progress Report Form by 31 October 2022.

Please refer to your original PALS project application and select one of the below statements:

Project variations may include major changes to timeline, key personnel, project content, outcomes or curriculum being covered. Any proposed variations to your project will need to be reviewed and approved by the department before the second PALS payment can be forwarded to your school.

Bank account details

Please refer to the bank details noted in the email that was sent to you, and select one of the below statements:

Documenting and acquitting your project

Acquittal report (required)

Project highlights (optional)

150 word limit


This field is required

Attach up to 3 good quality images and the completed DLGSC permission form that was sent with your PALS funding agreement in June 2022.

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Page reviewed 25 October 2022