Racing, gaming and liquor portal guide

Information on how to access and use the portal.


1.  Creating an account

First you must create an account. This account will be used to submit your applications, returns and change your address details.

  • Visit the online portal (opens a new window)
  • Select Create Account.
  • Add all required fields and click Register.
    • The username must be in lowercase letters and cannot contain spaces or symbols such as @, !, &.
    • The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 number, 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter.
  • An email will be sent to the email entered when completing the required fields.
    • Go to your email account and locate the registration email and click on the registration link to complete your account creation.
    • If copying the registration link please ensure you copy and paste the entire link into your internet browser.
  • To complete the account verification, log into your account when prompted by entering your username and password.
  • Click Register to finalise and activate your account.

Once your details have been entered and registered, you will not be required to register your details again. You can amend your details at anytime by logging into your account.

If you experience any issues with the account creation process please contact our department on 61 8 6551 4999.

Resetting your password

If you experience any issues with resetting your password please contact our department on 61 8 6551 4999.


Unable to see the 'Edit' button

You have created an account, but have not submitted your Applicant Details Form.

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click on New Lodgement
  3. From the drop down menus select the group and type relevant to your application
  4. Click Submit
  5. The first form of ALL new applications is an Applicant Details Form
    • This form permanently links an entity to the account and all future applications lodged under this account
  6. Fill out all pages
    • This form will ask for name, address and contact details
  7. Click on Submit
  8. Submitting this form will give you a new Client Reference number
    • This number is linked only to your newly created details
    • This number will remain permanently linked to this account and will be used in all future applications to identify you on our system
  9. You will now be able to lodge new applications with this account

ERR******** message

The application has been destroyed and cannot be recovered.

  • Please re-complete the application form
  • Before clicking Submit click the PDF button to save a copy of the form
  • Once saved attempt to Submit
  • If you get another error message email the PDF form to and request to lodge it as a paper form

Unable to open a page or can only view limited information on the page

This issue might be related to the internet browser you are using.

  • There are current issues with Safari and mobile devices. Use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
  • If you are facing further issues please call the department on 61 8 6551 4999.

Suspicious emails

If you have received an email from what appears to be from the department. It states that in order to proceed with <application type> online that I need to provide personal identification.

The department will never ask for your personal information in any emails. Once you have submitted your information via the electronic address system we store it on our database.

If you have recently changed address or telephone numbers you can amend this information on the approved manager home page through the portal.

Accessing the legitimate website address

The online log-in/registration page will always be at the department's portal website address:

Prior to logging in you should ensure that the URL has 'https:' before the department’s portal website address.

This ensures that your internet browser creates a secure connection with our government servers.

When you create a new user a window will appear on your current web page, you will not be directed to another one.

We recommend that the only browser window that you have open is the current one when dealing with your online applications. This will stop any potential malicious code on other websites you may be on from obtaining your log-in details or information.

Nothing happens after completing the Applicant Details form

This issue might be related to the internet browser you are using.

  • There are current issues with Safari and mobile devices. Use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
  • If you are facing further issues please call the department on 61 8 6551 4999.
  • Try going back to New Lodgement and re-submit the form, making sure to skip the client details review when asked.

More information

Telephone 61 8 6551 4999

Page reviewed 25 February 2022