Regulations 74 and 75 provide the Gaming and Wagering Commission with the authority to endorse a bookmaker’s licence to enable a bookmaker to carry on business by means of on-course internet betting in relation to sporting events or racing.
These regulations require that internet betting is conducted:
- in accordance with procedures established and approved by the commission under regulation 76
- if the committee or other authority controlling the racecourse so permits
- in relation to racing only, if the bet is on a race being conducted at any other race meeting in the State, if the committee or other authority controlling that other race meeting so permits.
Regulation 76 requires that:
- any internet betting system shall be developed in accordance with the commission’s specifications (appendix 1)
- an internet betting system shall not be used unless it is first audited and approved by the commission
- an approved internet betting system shall not be modified or changed unless consent for the specific modification or change is obtained from the commission
- any internet betting using an approved internet betting system shall be conducted in accordance with any further conditions that are imposed by the commission as part of the licence endorsement under regulation 14 (appendix 2)
- any internet bet using an approved internet betting system shall be confirmed in a manner, and within a time, that the commission approves (appendix 3)
- an internet betting ticket may be written in such a form and, notwithstanding section 31(1)(b)(iii), is to be delivered (or not delivered) in a manner, approved by the commission
- where an internet bet is not confirmed in the manner or within the time approved by the commission, that transaction does not constitute a valid bet
- the details of all internet bets received are to be separately recorded in a format approved by the commission under regulation 37 and, for the purposes of section 15, included in the returns to be delivered under the Act.
On 24 October 2006 by way of resolution 223/2006, the commission resolved that the evaluation and certification process for internet betting systems be outsourced to Accredited Testing Facilities.
On 20 June 2023 by way of resolution R123/2023, the commission resolved to adopt the updated Gaming and Wagering Commission of WA Minimum
Standards Internet Betting System Specifications to include the requirements of the National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering in Australia (NCPF) and any subsequent iterations.
Appendix 1: Internet betting system specifications
Broad system requirements criteria
Reference | Specification | Criteria |
A1.1 | Adequate measures to prevent the unauthorised modification of software (once approved).
| Essential |
A1.2 | Insistence that any new version of software be reviewed and approved prior to use. | Essential |
A2.1 | The system must either (1) display on-line the rules and procedures for dispute resolutions or (2) provide an on-line link to such information (eg at the regulators website).
| Essential |
A3.1 | All wagers communicated to the operator through internet shall be recorded by the system.
| Essential |
A3.2 | Transactions are recorded in a manner that the regulator considers to be a secure environment for data and that there is a complete record of all transactions.
| Essential |
A3.3 | Access to relevant levels of system is to be available to the regulator. | Essential |
A3.4 | Regulator has the ability to access the system and observe (in real time) transactions occurring.
| Optional |
A4.1 | Internal controls are implemented to ensure that communications between customer and operator meet acceptable commercial standards of privacy and financial.
| Essential |
A5.1 | The holder is to comply with the requirements of the National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering in Australia, as stated in the National Policy Statement of 26 November 2018 and any subsequent variations in accordance with the
timeframes stipulated in the National Policy Statement.
| Essential |
Detailed system requirements criteria
Reference | Specification | Criteria |
B1.1 | Unique sequential identifier (Receipt No.) allocated to every transaction.
| Essential |
B1.2 | Every transaction shall be logged and date & time stamped (to the minute and second).
| Essential |
B1.3 | System shall incorporate an appropriately secure audit trail for changes to B1.2.
| Essential |
B1.4 | System to have capacity to have accuracy of system clock checked every day. Also, facility for regulator to check system time.
| Essential |
B2.1 | System incorporates mechanism relating to security over customers’ account funds, viz minimum: pin/password, restricted access to relevant system level by staff of operator.
| Essential |
B2.2 | System incorporates mechanism relating to security of punters’ credit card details eg restricted access to staff of such details, compliance with any SET requirements.
| Essential |
B3.1 | System requires customer to confirm details prior to wager being processed/funds debited from account.
| Essential |
B3.2 | System advises customer that wager has been accepted, transaction complete.
| Essential |
B4.1 | Bet confirmation details are capable of being printed.
| Essential |
B4.2 | System includes facility for customer access to record of previous transactions.
| Essential |
B4.3 | System capable of managing minimum bet level requirements (if any) as required by the regulator.
| Optional |
Reporting requirements criteria
Reference | Specification | Criteria |
C1.1 | System shall have capacity to provide comprehensive and timely reports to regulator — in both hard and soft copy format.
| Essential |
C1.2 | System shall have capacity for exception reporting required by the regulator and such reports to be available within a reasonable timeframe.
| Highly desirable
C2.1 | System shall calculate and report on amount of tax payable and when due and payable.
| Essential |
C3.1 | (If cancellation of wagers is to be permitted) System shall have capacity to report adequately on all cancelled wagers.
| Essential |
Updating criteria/requirements
These standards are minimum requirements agreed upon by the Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia.
From time to time, these will be reviewed in the light of advances in technology, reductions in cost or new practices and industry standards.
Accordingly, it is anticipated that each operator’s authority to conduct internet betting will be subject to the condition that systems are updated as required by the commission.
Appendix 2: Conduct of internet betting
In addition to the minimum system requirements, the Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia has applied the following conditions to the conduct of Internet betting for licensed WA bookmakers.
- Internet betting to be conducted on an account basis only with the account to be subject to PIN or password protection.
- A bookmaker authorised to conduct internet betting is required, as a licence condition, to observe the requirements of the Financial Transactions Reports Act if payments of cash into or out of an account are to be permitted.
- Internet bookmakers are required to obtain a hard copy registration form, including an age declaration signed by the client, from each betting client who is an Australian resident. In respect of persons from overseas an electronic registration form with an age declaration is acceptable.
- The form is to be provided within 14 days at which time the account is to be frozen if the form is not received.
- Internet betting systems are to display prominent warnings in relation to the prohibition on underage betting at both the registration stage and online betting facility.
- The client registration procedure for internet betting systems must include a voluntary precommitment facility where clients are able to indicate the maximum individual bet, they are to be permitted to make and the maximum amount they may be permitted to pay into their account in any one month. To be effective, these self-imposed restrictions should require at least a 7 day period before any variation to the designated limits can come into effect.
- Internet betting systems are to provide links to both the regulator’s site and a problem gambling support service site.
- The holder is to comply with the requirements of the National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering in Australia, as stated in the National Policy Statement of 26 November 2018 and any subsequent variations in accordance with the timeframes stipulated in the National Policy Statement.
Appendix 3: Bet confirmation requirements
As with telephone betting, the Betting Control Regulations stipulate that an internet bet not confirmed
in the required manner does not constitute a valid bet.
The Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia has set down the following internet bet confirmation procedure:
- The details of a bet requested by a client are to be transmitted back to the client for acceptance.
- Once acceptance is acknowledged by the client, printable screen confirmation message sent to client. At this point clients account may be debited.
- Duplicate of bet confirmation is to automatically be sent to and stored at control site (usually stewards). This can be by email or electronic message.
- The internet is not a stable environment! Bookmakers should ensure that their system is designed so as to minimise the opportunity for disputes to occur in the case of line failure.