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Chair's report

I am pleased to present the 2023 Annual Report of the Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission (commission).

The commission is a statutory body established under the Local Government Grants Act 1978. Its principal function is to make recommendations to the Minister for Local Government regarding the allocation of Commonwealth financial assistance grants to WA’s 137 local governments.

Over the past 12 months, the commission visited 12 local governments. I would like to thank them all for their willingness to engage in public hearings regarding the grant methodology, which determines the amount of funding allocated to each individual local government. These hearings also allow the commission to understand local government needs and challenges.

The commission approved and submitted its Financial Assistance Grant recommendations to the State and Commonwealth Ministers in early August 2023. These were approved with local governments receiving their first payments in mid-August. I thank all the commission members for their involvement in the grant calculations and the dedication they demonstrated to their roles over the past 12 months.

With the end of this reporting period, I note that several appointments were made to the commission. I wish to congratulate and recognise our longest serving member, Dr Wendy Giles, who has been re-appointed for a further three-year term. I also wish to congratulate Ms Virginia Miltrup who has been appointed as Dr Giles’ deputy.

This year also marks the end of Cr Deborah Botica’s tenure as deputy for the commission. I would like to recognise her commitment and willingness to be part of the commission for the last seven years.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Luke Stevens who acted in the role of chair until I was appointed to the role. Luke’s knowledge and experience was invaluable throughout the year, and he ensured the functions of the commission continued successfully during a period of membership and executive staff changes.

I am honoured to be appointed as Chairperson. I look forward to being part of the commission and making a difference for WA local governments during my tenure.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge our executive staff who support of the commission to operate in an efficient and effective manner. To Leah Horton, Chris Berry, Nicholas Harmer, Kathryn Christidis, Shannon Wood, Chloe Papasergio and all who have assisted during the past year, we appreciate the commitment and professionalism you continue to demonstrate, to always ensure that the commission continues its important work within the sector. 

Further, on behalf of the commission, I would like to acknowledge Shannon Wood for his tireless commitment over the past 14 years to the commission and service to local government. I can tell by the way the other members of the commission refer to Shannon that he has made an indelible mark on the commission. He will be truly missed. I wish him well in his future career ambitions.

If you have any questions regarding the commission, I encourage you to contact the staff at any time.

Cr Dan Bull

Chairperson — WA Local Government Grants Commission

31 August 2023

Page reviewed 20 January 2025