Evaluation snapshot: culture and the arts 2016-19

Research: The Culture Counts summary aggregates the data collected by organisations over a four year period and provides benchmark comparisons for organisations in WA.


Culture Counts main dataIn 2014, the WA Government committed to providing a public account of the quality, reach, impact and value of its investment in the arts and cultural sector through the implementation of its Public Value Measurement Framework.
In the 2016 to 2019 funding period of the Arts Organisations Investment Program, organisations and WA Major Performing Arts Companies received access to the Culture Counts evaluation Platform to collect public feedback on the quality and value of the work they produced.
This summary aggregates the data collected by organisations over a four year period and provides benchmark comparisons for organisations in WA to evaluate and assess the unique impact they deliver for their communities.

Dimension results

What are the typical results for dimensions at the survey level?

Culture Counts interquartile range for individual dimensions

The interquartile range represents the typical result for any given dimension. An individual survey result within this range can be considered a ‘benchmark’ result. Larger ranges (i.e. ‘Connection’) indicate a higher variance in how WA  organisations achieve this outcome. Smaller ranges (i.e. ‘Access’) indicate a stronger similarity in how WA organisations achieve this outcome.

Survey count (s) = 263; Response count (n) = 205,115

Count per dimension: 50 < s < 167; 6,144 < n < 23,498

Surveys with less than 30 responses removed. Surveys do not contain all dimensions and therefore results may not be comparable between dimensions. See Technical Appendix for detail regarding Evaluation Snapshot dimension selection.

Cultural Contribution0.80.820.85
Excellence (national)0.670.710.75
Local Impact0.790.840.88


Culture Counts respondents postcodesAll survey respondents were asked to provide their postcode. The majority of survey respondents resided in postcodes within the Perth metropolitan area. Of 388 geographical  postcodes in WA, responses were collected from 76% of these. Non-identifiable postcode responses made up 3% of postcode data. In most cases these responses represented international respondents.

Respondents primarily identified as female. Representation of age groups skewed older but was fairly even between 20 to 80 years of age.

Culture Counts respondents age

  Culture Counts respondents gender


Culture Counts is a digital data collection and analysis Platform that evaluates feedback from multiple sources including artists, their peers and the public to measure the impact and value of a given activity. Culture Counts began in WA as a mechanism for implementing the Public Value Measurement Framework, a policy of the WA State Government. Organisations funded through the Arts  Organisations Investment Program, as well as WA Major Performing Arts Companies receive access to the Culture Counts Platform and collect public feedback on the quality and value of the  work they produce. Use of the Platform in the 2016 - 2019 funding period was voluntary. Data collected by organisations was anonymised, aggregated and analysed by Culture Counts. Benchmarks provide organisations with information to compare their own results to the results of their peers. They provide the first part to an overview of how funded organisations  collectively deliver impact to WA communities.


Prepared for: Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries

Prepared by: Culture Counts (February 2020)

Page reviewed 15 Apr 2020