Creative WA overview

Summary: Creative WA: A 10 year vision to grow and sustain our creative ecosystem


A vibrant, booming and sustainable creative ecosystem that celebrates and supports the highest ambitions of creative endeavour. Our cities and regions are the best places to live, work and learn because everyone can participate and benefit from culture, art and creativity.


  • Creativity is central to Western Australian life
  • Partnership approach
  • Equity and inclusivity.

Strategic priorities

Strengthen the creative, cultural and arts sector

  • invest in creative development
  • increase visibility of WA’s creative, cultural and arts sector and celebrate its benefits
  • deliver on Diversify WA and grow the creative industries
  • support creative, cultural and arts employment pathways and career development
  • strengthen the sustainability of arts and cultural organisations.

Share stories and celebrate place

  • support the creative, cultural and arts sector to tell and share our unique stories in new ways
  • share our stories with each other and in global markets
  • ensure we have fit-for-purpose spaces for creative activity and presentation
  • grow community and creative industries participation in state tourism, event and trade strategies.

Increase access and participation for all Western Australians

  • reduce barriers to creative, cultural and arts participation including cost, physical and digital
  • improve the quality, quantity and accessibility of creative offerings so cities, towns and communities are activated year-round
  • grow support for Aboriginal arts and cultural practice across WA
  • promote the wellbeing aspects of creative, cultural and arts participation.

Spotlight communities

Young people

Grow young people’s participation and pathways for our creative future.

First Nations peoples

Centre the participation and leadership of Aboriginal people.

Regional and outer metro

Recognise and build on the unique strengths and needs of outer metropolitan and regional communities.


  • Social impact: Community connection, improved wellbeing and mental health
  • Cultural impact: Strengthened cultures and enhanced liveability
  • Sector development: Increased cultural vibrancy and participation in creative, cultural and arts activities
  • Economic growth:Productivity, creative industries exports and cultural tourism income are increased
  • Job growth: Growth in employment and skills in the creative, cultural and arts sector
Strengthen the creative, cultural and arts sector
ActionsCommunitiesSocial impactCultural impactSector developmentEconomic growthJob growth
Improve creative learning opportunities and career pathwaysYoung people Yes Yes Yes Yes
Grow workforce pathways and jobs for Aboriginal peopleFirst Nations peoples Yes Yes Yes Yes
Grow investment in artists, cultural workers and creative practitioners and celebrate individual and collective artistic achievement, including via individual fellowshipsStatewide Regional/outer metro Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deliver and implement an Artform Development PolicyStatewideNoYes Yes NoYes
Build strong WA arts, cultural and creative organisationsStatewide Regional/outer metro Yes Yes Yes Yes
Establish across-government partnerships to support and develop WA’s creative workforceStatewideNoNoYes Yes Yes
Continue implementation of the WA Screen Industry StrategyStatewideNoNoNoYes Yes
Deliver and implement a WA Creative Industries StrategyStatewideNoNoNoYes No
Deliver a new approach to public art and live eventsStatewideNoNoYes Yes Yes
Facilitate partnerships between WA, Australian and local governmentsStatewide Yes NoNoYes
Improve communication of across-government services, programs and opportunitiesStatewideNoNoYes NoYes
Support digital cultureStatewide NoYes NoNo
Support the implementation of the Arts and Culture Trust Act 2021Statewide Yes Yes NoNo
Share stories and celebrate place
ActionsCommunitiesSocial impactCultural impactSector developmentEconomic growthJob growth
Empower young people as creators and ensure they have a platformYoung people Yes Yes NoYes
Build and open the Aboriginal Cultural CentreFirst Nations peoples Yes Yes NoYes
Co-design an Aboriginal Culture and Arts Strategy in collaboration with Aboriginal leadersFirst Nations peoplesNoYes Yes NoYes
Grow markets for authentic Aboriginal art and craft products worldwideFirst Nations peoplesNoYes Yes Yes No
Develop an International Arts Strategy to increase opportunities
for international market development and cultural exchange
StatewideNoNoYes Yes Yes
Empower communities across WA to participate and share
their stories both in person and with the world online
Statewide Yes Yes NoNo
Work with local communities to update and establish cultural facilitiesRegional/outer metro Yes Yes NoNo
Increase access and participation for all Western Australians
ActionsCommunitiesSocial impactCultural impactSector developmentEconomic growthJob growth
Increase access to culture, art and creativity for young peopleYoung people NoYes NoYes
Grow investment in programs supporting traditional and contemporary Aboriginal arts and cultural practiceFirst Nations peoples Yes Yes NoNo
Deliver commitments to Closing the Gap with a focus on outcome 16First Nations peoples Yes Yes NoNo
Increase cultural events and exhibitions in Perth and regional centresStatewide Yes Yes Yes Yes
Improve accessibility of the Cultural Statutory Authorities’ venues and collections both on and offlineStatewideNoNoYes Yes No
Develop a DLGSC Regional Services StrategyStatewide NoYes NoYes
Support creative initiatives to enhance wellbeing and mental healthStatewide Yes Yes NoNo

Improve access to culture, art and creativity for:

  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • d/Deaf and disabled people
Statewide Yes Yes Yes Yes
Increase opportunities for artists from diverse communitiesStatewide Yes Yes NoYes
Model impact and response to climate change, both for key
public buildings and as it relates to outdoor events.
Statewide Yes NoNoNo

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Page reviewed 12 Dec 2024