
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Writing Sector Review Final Recommendations, 2017

The Writing Sector Review Final Recommendations are the department’s responses that are targeted, readily implementable and cost-effective solutions for the writing sector.

Local Government Standards Panel Annual Report 2017-2018

The Local Government Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) is the primary standards panel established under Part 5 Division 9 and Schedule 5.1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act).

Combat Sports Commission 2017-18 Annual Report

For the safety and organisation of combat sports.

The 4th R cover

The 4th R: Recreation

The 4th R resource package aims to provide guidance for educators choosing the departments recreation camps programs.

Two Year Action Plan for Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries 2019-20 cover

Two Year Action Plan for Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries 2019-20

To make Western Australia a world class arts, cultural, sport and Aboriginal tourism destination.

Sports dimensions guide

In Australia there are currently many exciting new developments in the provision of sport and recreation facilities such as indoor aquatic play areas. There is also a demand for traditional sports playing areas and facilities.

Needs Assessment Guide cover

Needs Assessment Guide

A needs assessment is the vital first step in the planning process for a facility. This guide will assist facility planners in determining whether a proposed facility is needed by the community.

Classification Framework for Public Open Space cover

Classification Framework for Public Open Space

The primary purpose of this framework is to define terminology that can be universally used to describe public open space.

Curtin Hockey Stadium

Natural Grass vs Synthetic Turf Study Report

The use of synthetic turf playing surfaces is becoming more popular in Australia and internationally.

Feasibility Study Guide cover

Feasibility Study Guide

This guide provides practical assistance in undertaking a feasibility study for a proposed sport and recreation facility.

Facility Planning Guide cover

Facility Planning Guide

This guide provides an overview of the facility planning process for a specific sport or recreation facility.

Decision-making Guide cover

Decision-making Guide

This guide will assist facility planners in determining the need for, and feasibility of community sport and recreation services. The model in this guide can also be structured to apply to program based solutions.

Guide to shared use facilities cover

Guide to shared use facilities

Delivering better, cost-effective services to the community.

Life Cycle Cost Guidelines cover

Life Cycle Cost Guidelines

The information in this guide will assist facility managers to prepare a management plan for a sport and recreation facility. A management plan will ensure managers achieve efficient management practices for a successful facility.

Environmental Sustainability Pack cover

Environmental Sustainability Pack

Providing information on environmental issues currently facing sporting organisations and clubs within Western Australia and to equip them with the tools and skills necessary to reduce their environmental impact.

Asset Management Guide cover

Asset Management Guide

This guide contains a series of practical tools to assist with the development of an Asset Management Plan for a facility.

Management Plan Guide cover

Management Plan Guide

The information in this guide will assist facility managers to prepare a management plan for a sport and recreation facility. A management plan will ensure managers achieve efficient management practices for a successful facility.

High PerformancePlanning Guidefor State Sporting Associations cover

High Performance Planning Guide for State Sporting Associations

This guide highlights the value of HP planning, how an organisation can use effective planning to achieve meaningful and sustainable outcomes, and outlines the various key components of a high performance plan.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023