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The National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering in Australia – National Policy Statement (NCPF) is an agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and states and territories of Australia which aims to reduce the harm caused by online wagering to Australian wagering customers.

1. In accordance with regulation 77V(2) of the Betting Control Regulations 1978 and regulation 40W(2) of the Gaming and Wagering Commission Regulations 1988, this Notice sets out consistent gambling messaging, in the form of taglines and call to action messages, for use on various platforms, and specifies the circumstances in which they must be used, to enact, in Western Australia, the requirements regarding consistent gambling messaging, established by the NCPF. Citation and Effect

1.1 This notice may be cited as Consistent Gambling Messaging Notice 2025.

1.2 This notice is published pursuant to regulation 77V(2) of the Betting Control Regulations 1978 and regulation 40W(2) of the Gaming and Wagering Commission Regulations 1988.

1.3 In setting out, in this notice, the consistent gambling messaging and specifying the circumstances in which they must be used , the Gaming and Wagering Commission has had regard to the documents prepared by DSS, and approved by the IGC, in relation to the implementation and on-going requirements for the consistent gambling messaging measure of the NCPF, and consistent gambling messaging that other States and Territories have adopted.

2. Definitions

2.1In this notice:

Unless the contrary intention appears, terms and expressions defined in the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987, the Betting Control Act 1954 and the Racing and Wagering Western Australia Act 2003 have the same meanings in this Notice.

Call to action is a collective reference to messaging (other than a tagline) required, based on the advertising platform, and includes the standard call to action, the shortened call to action, the modified call to action for radio advertising, and the modified call to action for television and video advertising.

Consistent Gambling Messaging — Frequently Asked Questions means the document of that name setting out responses to frequently asked questions as endorsed by the IGC and available on the DSS website.

Consistent gambling messaging — Implementation Plan means the document of that name setting out the implementation plan endorsed by the IGC and available on the DSS website.

Consistent gambling messaging platform definitions and permitted taglines means the document of that name setting out the definition of platform and permitted taglines endorsed by the IGC and available on the DSS website.

DSS means the Commonwealth Department of Social Services and is the department that provides secretariat support to the IGC.

Gambling advertising means any advertising of, or promotional content relating to, any gambling provider, activity or product (including the opening of a gambling account) which is carried out by, or on behalf of, a provider, including advertising:

(a) online or on television, on radio, in print media, or on signs or billboards; and

(b) in the nature of a favourable reference or promotion (plug), endorsement or sponsored content created or communicated by a person, other than a provider, in exchange for payment or some other form of valuable consideration.

IGC means the NCPF’s Implementation Governance Committee which is comprised of Commonwealth, state and territory government senior officials with responsibility for online wagering policy and regulation and is established to, amongst other things, facilitate inter-governmental collaboration on key policy and operational issues related to the NCPF.

Modified call to action for radio advertising means the following message:

For free and confidential support visit

Modified call to action for television and video advertising means the following message:

For free and confidential support, call the number on the screen or visit the website.   

Provider means a person subject to the application of:

(a) Part 3A of the Betting Control Regulations 1978; or
(b) Part 4A of the Gaming and Wagering Commission Regulations 1988.

Social media platforms includes, but is not limited to:

  • Instagram videos, reels, stories;
  • TikTok videos;
  • YouTube videos; and
  • X, Reddit, Facebook, Threads or Bluesky posts.

Shortened call to action means the following message:

Set a deposit limit.

Standard call to action means the following message:

For free and confidential support call 1800 858 858 or visit

Tagline means messaging about the risks and potential harms of online wagering and include the following:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(b) Think. Is this a bet you really want to place?
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(d) What are you prepared to lose today? Set a deposit limit.
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(f) You win some. You lose more.#
(g) What are you really gambling with?

#Only available for spoken forms of advertising, including telemarking.

3. Execution

3.1 Previous gambling messaging, which means responsible gambling messaging or gambling safety messaging that was required to be displayed, or was displayed, prior to 30 March 2023, being the effective date of the Consistent gambling messaging — implementation plan must be removed and, if necessary, replaced by the requirements of this notice.

3.2 When spoken (for example television/video, radio), advertisements must include a message in the required spoken format.

3.1.1 required spoken format of a message means:

  1. a voiceover of a permitted tagline and the relevant call to action
  2. spoken slowly, calmly and at an even pace at the end of the advertisement
  3. with a perceptible pause separating those messages from each other and from any other content that forms part of the advertisement.

3.3 For visual executions (for example television and video, digital), advertisements must include a message in the required visual format.

3.2.1 required visual format of a message means:

(a) Tagline

  1. must be presented in the largest possible font consistent across the whole message, taking up the majority of the width of the screen
  2. the design principles based on an A4 size landscape canvas are:
    1. upper case Arial bold 60pt
    2. one-third of canvas
  3. the design principles should be adjusted based on the orientation of the screen to ensure the tagline takes up a third of the screen at a minimum
  4. must be placed at the end of an advertisement only.

(b) Call to action

  1. the design principle based on an A4 size landscape canvas are:
    1. sentence case Arial bold 40pt
    2. one-third of canvas
  2. the design principles should be adjusted based on the orientation of the screen to ensure the tagline takes up a third of the screen at a minimum
  3. must be placed at the end of an advertisement only.

3.4 A canvas of a different size to that described in sub-clause 3.2.1 must be proportionate and relative, regardless of orientation, to the formats as described in that sub-clause.

4. Television and video advertising

Television and video advertising includes, but is not limited to:

  • video advertising broadcast on television (free to air or subscription)
  • video advertising broadcast on video-on-demand services such as streaming sites (free or subscription)
  • video advertising broadcast or shared on social media platforms
  • video advertising broadcast or shared online
  • program billboard advertising on TV or video.

It encompasses video advertising campaigns on all platforms where this delivery method is broadcast or shared.

The tagline and call to action requirements apply to:

  • sponsored promotional video advertising developed and delivered by either third parties or on behalf of wagering service providers
  • sponsored advertisements a wagering service provider has a reasonable degree of control over
  • sponsored promotional video advertising.

4.1 There are 5 permitted taglines for television and video advertising as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(c)  What’s gambling really costing you?
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(f) You win some. You lose more.
(g) What are you really gambling with?

4.2 Advertisements over 15 seconds must include:

(a) a voiceover of a permitted tagline and the modified call to action for television and video advertising, in the required spoken format; and
(b) a display, in the required visual format, of the spoken tagline and the standard call to action
(c) as white text on a black background to allow the viewer to easily read it.

4.3 Advertisements 15 seconds or less must include:

(a) a voiceover of a permitted tagline, in the required spoken format; and
(b) the modified call to action is not required to be spoken; and
(c) a display, in the required visual format, of the spoken tagline and the standard call to action
(d) as white text on a black background to allow the viewer to easily read it.

5. Radio advertising

Radio advertising includes, but is not limited to:

  • audio advertising broadcast on radio (free or subscription)
  • audio advertising broadcast on podcasts (free or subscription).

It encompasses audio-only advertising campaigns on all platforms where they are broadcast or shared.

5.1 There are 5 permitted taglines for radio advertising as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(f) You win some. You lose more.
(g) What are you really gambling with?

5.2 Advertisements over 15 seconds must include a permitted tagline and the modified call to action for radio advertising, in the required spoken format.

5.3 Advertisements 15 seconds or less:

(a) must include a permitted tagline, in the required spoken format; and
(b) a call to action is not required to be spoken.

6. In-app placement and advertising

In-app placement refers to the placement of messaging within a providers’ smartphone application.

6.1 There are 6 permitted taglines for in-app placement as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(b) Think. Is this a bet you really want to place?
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(d) What are you prepared to lose today? Set a deposit limit.
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(g) What are you really gambling with?

6.2 In-app placement must include the display:

(a) of a permitted tagline and the shortened call to action
(b) in clear, legible and easy to read font in the largest font size, consistent across the whole message
(c) in black text on a white background
(d) placed in at least one of the following locations:

  1. on a rotating carousel, one banner rotation to include the permitted tagline and shortened call to action;
  2. permanently at the bottom of the home screen of the app; or
  3. permanently below the bet slip section of the app.

6.3 Gambling advertising that appears in-app must be in the required spoken format and required visual format relevant to the method of delivery (for example television and video advertising, radio advertising, digital advertising).

7. Digital advertising

Digital advertising includes, but is not limited to:

  • online banner advertising, static or dynamic
  • digital display advertising, static or dynamic
  • static pop-ups broadcast on television or online-streaming without audio.

It encompasses all forms of digital advertising campaigns on all platforms where they are broadcast or shared.

Video advertising broadcast on digital platforms is categorised as television and video advertising or digital outdoor advertising (which is categorised as Other – sponsorship, promotional, outdoor advertising and in-stadium advertising).

7.1 There are 6 permitted taglines for digital advertising as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(b) Think. Is this a bet you really want to place?
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(d) What are you prepared to lose today? Set a deposit limit.
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(g) What are you really gambling with?

Dynamic advertising

7.2 Digital advertising that is in the form of dynamic advertising must include a display:

(a) in the required visual format, of a permitted tagline and the shortened call to action;
(b) at the end of the advertisement in the final frame;
(c) as black text on a white background to allow the view to easily read it; and
(d) that stands alone from the advertisement in a manner that clearly distinguishes the messaging from the advertisement.

Static advertising

7.3 Digital advertising that is in the form of static advertising must include a permitted tagline and the shortened call to action presented:

(a) in the required visual format;
(b) in large legible black text on a white background; and
(c) so that they stand alone from the advertisement in a manner that clearly distinguishes them from the advertisement.  

Static pop-ups on TV, video, online platforms

7.4  Static pop-ups that appear on television or online streaming video without audio during live broadcasts or online broadcasts (as distinct from, for example, program billboards) must include a permitted tagline and the shortened call to action presented:

(a) in the required visual format
(b) in large legible black text on a white background
(c) so that they stand alone from the advertisement in a manner that clearly distinguishes them from the advertisement. 

8. Print advertising

Print advertising refers to hard copy published advertising in all forms of physical media. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • print advertising published in newspapers
  • print advertising published in magazines
  • print advertising published in brochures
  • print advertising published in direct mail.

It encompasses printed advertising campaigns published in all physical or hard-copy forms of media.

8.1 There are 6 permitted taglines for print advertising as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(b) Think. Is this a bet you really want to place?
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(d) What are you prepared to lose today? Set a deposit limit.
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(g) What are you really gambling with?

8.2 Print advertising must include a permitted tagline and the standard call to action presented:

(a) in clear, easy to read black text on a white background
(b) in the largest font size possible consistent across the whole message
(c) so that they stand alone from the advertisement in a manner that clearly distinguishes them message from the advertisement.

9. Social media advertising

Social media advertising refers to gambling advertising conducted via social media platforms, including:

  • all forms (both free and paid) of promotional content relating to gambling activities or products, developed by either third-parties on behalf of wagering service providers or wagering service providers, and delivered on social media platforms
  • sponsored promotional content published on social media platforms by third-parties (such as other brands or influencers), that the wagering service provider has a reasonable degree of control over and that are being run in exchange for payment or some other form of valuable consideration.

Sponsored promotional content includes, but is not limited to:

  • sponsored Instagram videos, reels, stories
  • sponsored TikTok videos
  • sponsored direct marketing materials sent via SMS
  • sponsored YouTube videos
  • sponsored direct marketing materials sent via push notifications.

All direct marketing materials sent via SMS messaging or push notifications must comply with the requirements for social media advertising. In addition, wagering service providers must consider the obligations associated with promoting BetStop.

Video advertising (including video advertising in sponsored promotional videos) published on social media platforms is categorised as television and video advertising.

9.1 There are 6 permitted taglines for social media advertising as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(b) Think. Is this a bet you really want to place?
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(d) What are you prepared to lose today? Set a deposit limit.
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(g) What are you really gambling with?

9.2 In this clause 9 required format means:

Where images are shared

(a) the tagline must be presented, and be followed by the relevant call to action, in clear, easy to read text in the largest font size possible consistent across the whole message in black text on a white background.

Where text is shared

(b) the tagline must be presented, and be followed by the relevant call to action:

  1. in clear, easy to read text in the largest font size possible consistent across the whole message in black text on a white background
  2. at the end of a post, and may be separately posted as a stand-alone message.

9.3 Social media advertising with no character limit (501 characters or more) must include a permitted tagline and the standard call to action in the required format.

9.4 Social media advertising with a restrictive character limit (281-500 characters) must include a permitted tagline and the shortened call to action in the required format.

9.5 Social media advertising with very restrictive character limits (280 characters or less) must include a permitted tagline and the shortened call to action in the required format. The requirement to include the shortened call to action may be satisfied by including it in a follow-up post that is linked to the advertisement and posted immediately after it.

Push notifications messages

9.6 If social media advertising is in the form of a push notification:

(a) providers are to send a separate, standalone, push notification with a permitted tagline and the shortened call to action immediately after the direct marketing push notification; and
(b) the subsequent tagline and call to action push notification should be sent within 15 to 30 seconds of the direct marketing push notification; and
(c) must comply with the requirements for social media advertising.

10. Placement and advertising

A permitted tagline and the standard call to action must be used on a provider’s website, including but not limited to messaging in:

  • the ‘My Account’ window
  • responsible/safer gambling sections
  • the header and/or footer
  • articles or blog posts.

10.1 There are 6 permitted taglines for website placement as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(b) Think. Is this a bet you really want to place?
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(d) What are you prepared to lose today? Set a deposit limit.
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(g) What are you really gambling with?

10.2 Website placement must include a permitted tagline and the standard call to action and must:

(a) be presented in clear, easy to read font with the largest possible font size consistent across the whole message
(b) in black text on a white background; and
(c) stand alone from other material on the website, so that the messaging is clearly visible and not confused with other material related to wagering.

10.3 If a provider has gambling advertising displayed on its website (such as rotating banner advertisements, rotating carousel advertisements, or online banner advertisements) the digital advertising requirements apply.

10.4  Gambling advertising that appears on a provider’s website must be in the required spoken format and required visual format relevant to the method of delivery (for example television and video advertising, radio advertising).

11.1 There are 7 permitted taglines for use with other advertising as follows:

(a) Chances are you’re about to lose.
(b) Think. Is this a bet you really want to place?
(c) What’s gambling really costing you?
(d) What are you prepared to lose today? Set a deposit limit.
(e) Imagine what you could be buying instead.
(f) You win some, you lose more.#
(g) What are you really gambling with?

#Only available for spoken forms of advertising, including telemarking.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing includes any advertising, promotion or offer made by, or on behalf of, a provider directly to a person by means of telephone, email, SMS, text message, post, electronic transmission, data cast or other direct means, including directly to a telephone, internet application, website, broadcast service or other electronic means that can be used by an account holder to place a bet (but does not include those parts of an internet application, website, broadcast service or other electronic means that can only be accessed by an account holder).

Direct marketing materials include but are not limited to:

  • product advertising (via email or mail)
  • promotional content (via email or mail)
  • newsletters (via email or mail)
  • brochures (via email or mail)
  • SMS messages
  • push notifications
  • telemarketing.

11.2 Direct marketing materials sent digitally must comply with the tagline and call to action requirements for digital advertising.

11.3 Direct marketing materials sent in hard copy must comply with the tagline and call to action requirements for print advertising.

11.4 Direct marketing materials sent via SMS must comply with the tagline and call to action requirements for social media advertising.

11.5 Direct marketing conducted via telemarketing (or other spoken forms) must comply with the tagline and call to action requirements for radio advertising.

11.6 Direct marketing sent via push notification must comply with the tagline and call to action requirements for social media advertising.

Activity statements

There is no requirement for consistent gambling messaging taglines and the call to action to be included on activity statements. However, there is a requirement to have a hyperlink to safe gambling support services and consumer protection tools on the activity statement.

Sponsorship, promotional, outdoor advertising, and in-stadium advertising

This category includes but is not limited to advertising on:

  • products
  • segments
  • stadia
  • sporting apparel
  • on-ground
  • signage.

11.7 A permitted tagline and call to action must be displayed in all instances.

11.8 The tagline and call to action, where possible, are to be distinct from the advertisement so as not to be confused with the advertisement.

11.9 The tagline and call to action are recommended to be presented either with black text on a white background or white text on a black background.

11.10 Sponsorship, promotional, outdoor and in-stadium advertising are exempted from ensuring an equal rotation of taglines required under clause 12. Wagering service providers are strongly encouraged to rotate applicable taglines periodically, such as with each advertisement buy, to reduce the risk of message fatigue.

Horse, harness or greyhound racing programming

This includes but is not limited to all forms of broadcast (both free to air and dedicated racing channels) racing programming for horse/thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing.

Content is considered advertising if a provider has a reasonable degree of control over how the gambling product is broadcast or how a gambling product is being promoted or discussed.

Content is considered branding if a provider logo is displayed or brand name is spoken (or both) but no gambling product is endorsed or promoted. If only the brand name or logo is displayed or spoken there is no requirement to apply the consistent gambling messaging tagline or call to action.

11.11 A permitted tagline must be displayed in all advertising.

11.12 Where a gambling product is being promoted through editorial or advertorial content, a tagline must be spoken in the required spoken format.

11.13 Rotation of permitted taglines for horse, harness or greyhound racing programming is to align with the requirements of other like platforms as used in the horse, harness or greyhound racing space (for example on television or video platforms, rotation of applicable taglines over 12 months is required).

Factual odds information displays

This category includes broadcasts on dedicated racing platforms such as 78, Sky Channel or TAB radio which are not promotional in nature, but instead purely detail totalisator and fixed odds information.

11.14 Factual odds information displays may include a logo or branding, but these must be discrete and not overpower the information shown.

As factual odds information displays are not promotional in nature, consistent gambling messaging requirements do not apply.

Full integrations/odds integration

This category is a 30-45 second promotional cross to a wagering representative who reads through the race field and odds.

This can be shown graphically and clearly promotes the name of a provider and their product or service.

Free to air TV or video on demand

11.15 Where the promotional cross is broadcast on free-to-air television or video (both broadcast and video on demand services):

(a) a permitted tagline and the standard call to action must be displayed:

(i) at the bottom of the full frame odds graphic for the entire time the graphic is shown;
(ii) in font that is clear, legible and easy to read with the largest possible font size consistent across the whole message; and

(b)   the wagering representative must read aloud the tagline and the modified call to action for television and video advertising in their verbal sign-off.

Dedicated racing platforms

11.16 Where the promotional cross is broadcast on a dedicated racing platform, such as 78, Sky Channel or TAB radio:

(a) a permitted tagline and the standard call to action must be displayed:

  1. at the bottom of the full frame odds graphic for the entire time the graphic is shown;
  2. in font that is clear, legible and easy to read with the largest possible font size consistent across the whole message; and

(b) the wagering representative must read aloud the permitted tagline and the modified call to action for television and video advertising in their verbal sign-off.

Short odds integration — racing

This category refers to a small graphic on a third of the screen which highlights or shows the name of an individual runner in a race, as well as its odds or the movement on a runner’s odds, for usually approximately 10 seconds. The runner’s odds may also be announced verbally by a wagering representative.

Free to Air TV or video on demand

11.17 Where these integrations are broadcast on free-to-air television or video (both broadcast and video on demand services) they:

(a) do not require the display of a tagline:
(b) must include a display of the shortened call to action:

  1. for the entire time that the graphic is shown,
  2. in font that is clear, legible and easy to read with the largest possible font size consistent across the whole message.
Dedicated racing platforms

11.18 Where these integrations are broadcast on dedicated racing platforms, such as 78, Sky Channel or TAB radio, they:

(a) do not require the display of a tagline:
(b) must include a display of the shortened call to action:

  1. for the entire time that the graphic is shown,
  2. in font that is clear, legible and easy to read with the largest possible font size consistent across the whole message.

12. Rotation of taglines

12.1 For television and video advertising, radio advertising, in-app placement, digital advertising, print advertising, social media advertising, and website placement, the applicable taglines are designed to be rotated equally over a 12-month period.

12.2 Providers are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure all applicable taglines are employed in advertising equally over a 12-month period.

12.3 For other advertising, providers are strongly encouraged to rotate applicable taglines periodically, such as with each advertisement buy, to reduce the risk of message fatigue.

12.4 Rotation of taglines for horse, harness or greyhound racing programming are to align with the requirements of other platforms as used in the horse, harness or greyhound racing space (for example on television or video platforms, rotation of applicable taglines over 12 months is required).

12.5 Different taglines may be used on different platforms at the same time. 

More about the Gaming and Wagering Commission


Page reviewed 27 February 2023