Normally, under the Liquor Control Act 1988, the specified trading hours for Good Friday can only occur between 12 noon and 10pm, instead of 6am to 12 midnight, and must be alongside a meal supplied by the licensee.
However, if you are planning to provide live events or shows for customers on Good Friday you may meet special circumstances criteria to lodge an application for an occasional liquor licence.
Examples of special circumstances include the following:
General trade is not considered special circumstances.
If you are planning to take up this opportunity you must submit your application at least 14 days before the event and include details of the special event or function being offered, and the time and duration so the licence can reflect trading times.
If approved, your occasional licence on Good Friday will be restricted to the times of the proposed event and the requirement of only serving liquor with a meal may be removed.
If you have any questions about Good Friday, please contact one of our Racing, Gaming and Liquor officers on 61 8 6551 4888 or at