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The WA Government via DLGSC’s Arts Organisation Investment Program is supporting the Centre for Stories which shares the skill of storytelling to empower people, including those who are impacted family and domestic violence.

There are many ways Western Australians can ‘play their part’ during 16 Days in WA – they can engage with ‘ 16 Days, 16 Stories’ and understand the impact of violence in our community – and they can support women and children impacted by domestic violence this festive season, by choosing to buy Mettle Gift Boxes for their loved ones this Christmas.

The Arts Organisation Investment Program aims to support small to medium arts and cultural organisations to help them to plan with longer-term certainty and increase their capacity to leverage support. The Centre for Stories was established in WA to use storytelling to grow skills and confidence, inspire understanding and promote community cohesion. Mettle Women Inc is a non-profit social enterprise that employs, trains, and financially empowers those experiencing homelessness as a result of domestic and family violence and generates income to support survivors of family and domestic violence by selling gift boxes online.

A hundred percent of profits from the sale of Mettle Gifts  go towards creating safe futures for survivors of family and domestic violence through paid work, scholarships, crisis funds, childcare subsidies and survivor support programs.


Page reviewed 27 February 2023