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Media release

The changes to long service leave regulations enhance clarity and provide certainty of worker entitlements, including strengthening the portability of the scheme.

This means when staff change employment from one local government to another, their previous service continues to count towards their long service leave entitlements.

Further changes include:

  • a longer permitted period of break between different local government employers that maintains the employee's continuity of service
  • allowing for paid parental leave from the Australian Government to count towards long service leave accrual
  • allowing taking of long service leave in advance and the cashing-out of long service leave
  • clear protections for the entitlements in the event of unfair or unlawful dismissal.

These changes bring specific benefits for employees who have worked casually or part-time, or who have moved between local government employers.

They also incentivise local government employees to continue to service the sector, strengthening the stability of the local government workforce. 

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Page reviewed 27 February 2023