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Site of the Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Terrace Road, Boorloo (Perth)

Site of the Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Terrace Road, Boorloo (Perth)

The Aboriginal Cultural Centre (the Centre) Steering Committee (Phase 2) held its eighth meeting on 21 August 2024.

The Chair’s update included the following:

  • a project Gateway review is currently underway for the Aboriginal Cultural Centre project
  • it is not recommended that the Project Definition Plan (PDP) progresses to the mid-year review in November 2024 
  • a concept and schematic design is to be progressed using currently allocated resources which will provide greater clarity and detail on costs when the PDP is considered for a final investment decision in 2025.
Committee members ratified the out of session paper sent on 1 August 2024 outlining recommendations to be made to the Major Project Expenditure Review Sub Committee (MPERSC). These recommendations covered:
  • precinct governance
  • precinct planning, including options for delivery of a carpark
  • the Perth Concert Hall and Aboriginal Cultural Centre projects.

The Committee was provided with an overview of a number of appendices that will accompany the Project Definition Plan (PDP) plus an update on the risk management plan and how the risks are being managed through treatment action plans. 

The following appendices were noted separately by the Committee:

  • Operational Plan
  • Content and Activation Plan
  • Connecting Many Campfires Strategy
  • Aboriginal Engagement Strategy 
  • Stakeholder Engagement Report.

The Committee noted the PDP and all remaining appendices. 


Page reviewed 27 February 2023