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2 cranes on a construction site

Photo: Perth Film Studios construction

The 2 prefabricated modules, spanning 40 metres and weighing 30 tonnes, will form the framework for the roof over the first of 4 sound stages which are at the core of the studio complex now being built on the 16-hectare site on Marshall Road, Malaga.

In total there will be 8200 square metres of interior production space within the studio complex. The studios will also incorporate production offices, an art department, wardrobe, workshops, set storage, parking, and a 23,200 square metre backlot which is larger than the playing field at Optus Stadium.

An investment of $233.5 million by the State Government has made the building of the screen production facility possible. The project was developed in accordance with the State Government’s Market-led Proposals policy that aims to form partnerships combining the expertise and creativity of the private and public sectors.

More than 200 people are employed directly on the site with one-fifth of the workforce being apprentices or trainees and a significant number are Indigenous. In total, 600 direct and indirect jobs have been created as a result of the project, including through local suppliers of the structural steel, concrete, bulk fill and many other materials and services. When operational, a variety of direct and indirect jobs will be generated from the significant economic benefits for WA over the long term.

Construction is well underway and on schedule for completion by the end of 2025, with the studios open for business from early 2026. The Arts and Culture Trust will be the owner of Perth Film Studios on behalf of the State Government.

A group of staff members standing in front of the construction site of the Perth Film Studios

Photo: Shay Witney (Project Director, Perth Film Studios, DLGSC), Chantelle Beckett (Principal Project Manager, Department of Finance); Marty Cunningham (Director, Special Projects, DLGSC); Howard Cearns (Director, Home Fire); Courtney Fiddian (Director, Contracts, Arts and Culture Trust); John Driscoll (Screenwest Chair).


Page reviewed 27 February 2023