The next local government elections are scheduled for 21 October 2023.
On Monday 7 August 2023, DLGSC will be holding a forum for people living with a disability interested in becoming a local government councillor.
One group that is also currently under-represented in local government is young people.
To help change this the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) is holding a series of forums aimed at encouraging young people to consider putting their hand up to stand for local government office.
Funded by DLGSC, YACWA is running the first forum at the Herb Graham Recreation Centre in Mirrabooka from 6pm to 8pm on Tuesday 1 August 2023.
The Minster for Local Government David Michael will be presenting at this event. It will also be live streamed.
The second forum is scheduled to be held at the Grove Library in Peppermint Grove on Thursday 10 August 2023.