Becoming an Elected Council Member Forum

A free forum for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds considering standing for local council.
8 May 2023

LG Alert

Becoming an elected Council member. A group of people sitting in a meeting room.

Are you passionate about your local community? Do you want to be able to influence change and ensure that community perspectives are heard? Have you ever thought about becoming a local government councillor?

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Local Government Division and Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) will be hosting a free forum for potential candidates from CaLD backgrounds to learn about the role and responsibilities of a local government councillor and how to become a candidate.

The forum will be introduced by the Minister for Local Government, Hon John Carey MLA, and feature a panel of serving councillors from CaLD backgrounds.

Session topics include:

  • the work of local governments
  • the role and responsibilities of local government councillors
  • what knowledge and skills are important
  • how to campaign and encourage people to vote for you.

Becoming an Elected Council Member Forum


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