Work begins on East Freo Oval redevelopment

The East Fremantle Oval redevelopment project has reached a major milestone with the start of construction work.
2 March 2023
A group of people wearing high vis and hard hats standing on a cleared site

Demolition and asbestos removal is well underway, and the main building earthworks have begun. 

Inspecting the progress today, Sport and Recreation Minister David Templeman announced the State Government was again boosting its investment in the project, with a $1.3 million Lotterywest grant for an all-abilities nature play space and skate zone. 

This takes the State Government's total contribution to $26.3 million — including its initial $20 million election commitment and an additional $5 million contribution in April last year due to rising construction costs.

Once complete, the East Fremantle Oval redevelopment will provide an integrated community and sporting precinct with facilities for the East Fremantle Football Club, East Fremantle Bowls Club, and East Fremantle Croquet Club.

It will be a space for members of the community to gather, connect, recreate, and participate, offering community gardens, a café, health club, function centre, meeting rooms and the all-abilities nature play space.


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