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The Request for Information, advertised on the TendersWA website, is seeking advice from the market on potential vendors that may be able to implement the system on behalf of the State Government.

It will also identify timeframes, costs and any technical aspects that will inform the system’s implementation.

Once up and running, all pet owners in Western Australia will register their animals online using the same, centralised, system for the first time. 

The system will assist local governments to keep track of pets, and identify any illegal breeding activities. 

It will replace the separate registration systems run by WA’s 139 local governments, reducing red tape for councils and pet owners, and is expected to be operational in 2023.

Consultation on the development of the system is already underway by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, with key stakeholders.

For more information contact or visit the DLGSC puppy farming pages

Request for Information


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023