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Kayaking point of view

From the dizzying heights of rock climbing to the thrill-seeking speeds of mountain biking, the State Government is supporting innovative projects that help increase participation and promote inclusion in outdoor active recreation. 

Successful projects include:

  • Boodjar Kaartdijin, an on-Country program to engage primary school-aged children to participate in traditional Aboriginal outdoor recreational and cultural activities in Perth's northern suburbs
  • a State-wide recreational climbing program to encourage people from all backgrounds to get involved in climbing and help transition indoor climbers to an outdoor environment
  • a paddle adventure program to help recreational Perth paddlers and their families get the basic skills and safety information needed for their next adventure
  • the Wild Swimming Experience to get more South West women swimming in oceans and rivers in a safe and nurturing environment
  • a mountain bike refurbishment collaboration between Dismantle and the Kununurra Waringarri Aboriginal Corporation to help young people in the Kimberley learn new skills, form social networks and explore local bicycle tracks.

The Outdoor Active Recreation Participation Program is administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. It aims to get more Western Australians active outdoors so they can develop resilience, leadership, problem-solving skills, and build lifelong involvement and healthy habits.

Outdoor Active Recreation Participation Program


Page reviewed 27 February 2023