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An artist's impression of the Perth Cultural Centre

The precinct will undergo a $35 million rejuvenation, with a $25 million State Government contribution. The remaining $10 million is a contribution from the Australian Government as part of the $1.7 billion Perth City Deal.

The PCC Masterplan has now been released, following a lengthy consultation process and detailed consideration by the Cultural Precinct Taskforce.

The project will see the PCC transformed into a connected, thriving and welcoming precinct that connects the major cultural institutions in the area.

It includes the development of a shady central space to provide the precinct with a new focal point, and the creation of a new children’s play space.

The works will also include the demolition of the amphitheatre and development of a more accessible, graded streetscape.

At the eastern end of the PCC, the Art Gallery car park will be demolished to introduce better connections to Beaufort Street.

The project will deliver enhanced lighting and security, open up underutilised spaces, and create a better environment for families and tourists visiting the area.

View the PCC Masterplan and flythrough


Page reviewed 27 February 2023