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LG Alert

Lockdown: Perth, Peel and South West

The State Government has implemented a 5-day lockdown for the Perth metropolitan area, the Peel and South West regions effective at 6pm, Sunday 31 January 2021 until 6pm Friday, 5 February 2021.

Local governments in and adjacent to the Perth metro and the Peel and South West regions are to be aware that restrictions apply for residents and travel during the lockdown period.

Restrictions also apply to restaurants, elective surgery, home visitors, visitors to hospitals and aged care facilities, weddings, funerals and travel to and within remote Aboriginal communities.

Masks are to be worn at all times when outside of the place of residence, this includes at workplaces and on public transport. For more information about masks, see the Healthy WA website.

Schools will be closed for this week. Term 1, 2021 was due to start from February 1 but that will be postponed by one week.

Local governments in and adjacent to the Perth metro and the Peel and South West regions are also advised that closures will occur for the following during the 5-day lockdown:
  • schools, universities, TAFEs and education facilities
  • pubs, bars and clubs
  • gyms and indoor sporting venues
  • playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor recreational facilities
  • cinemas, entertainment venues, and casinos
  • beauty therapy services, parlour or salon including hairdressers, barbershop, nail salon, tattoo parlour, spa or massage parlour
  • large religious gatherings and places of worship
  • libraries and cultural institutions.
Work restrictions also apply with further information available at

Local governments are requested to support the COVID lockdown with the use of council and road signage to inform the community of travel restrictions and facility closures.
Local governments are also requested to assist vulnerable and/or isolated members of their community during the lockdown.
Local governments with specific enquiries can email


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023