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The Graffiti Vandalism Strategy Western Australia 2019–2021 is an important initiative designed to reduce graffiti vandalism and contribute to Western Australians feeling safe living in their communities. 

A key focus of the strategy is to improve standardised reporting and monitoring of trends, to provide an accurate picture of graffiti vandalism across the State. 

Local governments make a strong contribution to reducing and removing graffiti vandalism in their communities. While some local governments have already completed the form, the majority have not. 

By completing the form below (even if it is a nil return), you will be providing valuable data and contributing to the whole of government response to graffiti vandalism in Western Australia.

Your support in completing the standardised cost reporting form and returning it to would be much appreciated. 

Online reporting of graffiti vandalism

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind all local governments of the online graffiti reporting portal. While some graffiti may be isolated to a single geographical location, it is important that all graffiti be reported through the taskforce’s online portal. This enables the taskforce to target graffiti minimisation programs while also assisting WA Police Force in their duties to police anti-social behaviour and ensure our communities feel safe.

Further information about the work of the State Graffiti Taskforce, funding opportunities, Graffiti Management Toolkits and Plans and other online resources.

Duncan Ord OAM
Director General



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Page reviewed 27 February 2023