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LG Alert

The amendments aimed to strengthen the ability for local governments to manage unauthorised parking in ACROD bays and improve access for people living with disability by increasing penalties for illegal parking. 

The Regulation changes amended the fines and court-imposed penalties for unauthorised parking in an ACROD bay by: 

  • increasing modified fine penalties from $300 to $500
  • increasing court-imposed penalties from $2000 to $5000.

Local governments monitor compliance of the Regulations in public places where local laws apply.

Local governments can also enter into private parking agreements with property owners to improve monitoring and parking compliance on privately owned, publicly accessed land such as shopping centres, hospitals and commercial premises. 

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is seeking feedback from local governments in response to the recent regulation amendments. In addition, DLGSC is looking to ascertain the extent to which Local Government Parking Agreements (LPAs) are currently in use and the potential for further implementation of LPAs as a parking control measure. 

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and is open until Thursday 31 December 2020.

Complete the survey

Local governments are also reminded that DLGSC has prepared guidance material in the form of case studies and a parking agreement template to assist local governments with enforcement of the regulations. 

Further information about parking for people with disability.

Duncan Ord
Director General



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Page reviewed 27 February 2023