LG Alert
Owners, occupiers or people in charge of the following ‘affected places’ must close to the public for the period from 12 noon on 23 March to midnight on 13 April 2020.
‘Affected places’ are:
You can download the Commissioner’s full directions below.
To ensure national consistency this Direction applies to local government venues and facilities. It affects libraries, indoor sporting venues, theatres and other cultural and sporting facilities that may be operated or managed by local governments or private operators.
This Direction is about access to the public; it does not affect these as places of work and operations can continue. Indeed, I encourage you to look at new or expanded ways to offer services and to keep your staff gainfully employed.
This is a time when we must all take leadership roles in setting the example for, and providing guidance to, members of the community. I appreciate the efforts that you are taking in this regard.
If you have any questions, please email
Yours sincerely
Duncan Ord OAMDirector General
23 March 2020
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