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LG Alert

Full shopping cart in supermarket aisle - stock photo

The State Government is urging councils to examine how they can assist in getting stock into supermarkets sooner. In some cases, restrictions on delivery times and truck movements which might have originally been part of local government development approvals are exacerbating this situation by limiting retailers’ ability to respond to community needs.

Councils across the State are asked to support communities through this period by adopting a flexible and pragmatic approach to facilitating deliveries to supermarkets and other businesses.

This includes taking appropriate and necessary measures to respond to the issues arising in these exceptional circumstances including:

  • Relaxing time restrictions and movement caps for deliveries for retailers such as supermarkets and other key service providers;
  • Relaxing restrictions on the use of footpaths for food premises to facilitate effective social distancing of patrons.

I encourage councils to maintain open lines of communication with important service providers including retailers and suppliers as this situation evolves as new issues and challenges arise.

It’s vital that all levels of government are working collectively and cooperatively in ensuring our state — and West Australians — are appropriately prepared. The State Government is committed to supporting you so you can continue to effectively assist your communities as we deal with the challenges ahead.

If your local laws are restricting your ability to respond appropriately to these or similar matters, please email

The Department and WALGA are working closely together to provide support to local governments in responding to the impacts of the COVID virus. 

Duncan Ord OAM
Director General

March 2020


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023