The department will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. We will respond to queries in the new year. Best wishes for a safe and happy festive season.
The Goldfields Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils (GVROC) meeting brought together 10 local governments in the region to discuss issues facing Esperance and the Goldfields.
There was representation from the Shires of Dundas; Esperance; Coolgardie; Kalgoorlie-Boulder; Laverton; Leonora; Menzies; Ravensthorpe; Ngaanyatjarraku; and Wiluna.
GVROC is an established partnership between local governments, which aims to benefit the region by promoting best local government practices by sharing ideas, skills, and knowledge.
The local governments that GVROC is composed of adds up to over 955,276 km2, making the Goldfields-Esperance region it the largest of Western Australia’s nine regional areas.
The Goldfields-Esperance Region is 4.2 times the size of the state of Victoria and comprises just under a third of Western Australia’s total land mass.
David Templeman MLA, Minister for Local Government; Alannah MacTiernan MLC, Minister for Regional Development, Agriculture and Food, and Ports; Kyle McGinn MLC, Member for Mining and Pastoral Region; and Darren West MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development, Agriculture and Food, were also in attendance.
Among items that were discussed at the meeting were: