LG Alert
The Act was developed in consultation with the Western Australian Local Government Association and Local Government Professionals Australia (WA) in response to requests from the sector.
The amendments provide additional powers to the Minister for Local Government enabling tailored assistance to be given to a council member or council. The amendments are designed to protect the public interest and the system of local government by facilitating a timely intervention by the Minister.
Specifically, the Minister has the power to suspend and/or order an individual council member to undertake remedial action when the Minister is satisfied that it is inappropriate for the council member to continue to act as a member of council without intervention.
The triggers for an intervention are:
Procedural fairness will be accorded the council member prior to the use of these powers and any of the other new powers, through a Show Cause process.
The Show Cause Notice will outline the grounds for the proposed use of the power and provide the council member with an opportunity to respond. The Minister must consider the member s response prior to any order being given.
Additionally, the powers of an Inquiry Panel are also expanded. An Inquiry Panel can now recommend the dismissal of an individual council member if the Inquiry Panel concludes:
This allows more targeted action to be taken in lieu of the suspension or dismissal of an entire council. The amendments mirror the current provisions that apply to a council.
These amendments also remove the entitlement of a council member, mayor or president to receive any sitting fee or allowance under the Local Government Act 1995 while they are suspended.
This applies when a council member is suspended by either the State Administrative Tribunal, or by the Minister, and whether suspended as an individual or as part of an entire council.
Regulations will be enacted under section 5.102AB of the Local Government Act 1995 to provide for the recovery of any fees or allowance paid in advance to the member for the period of suspension.
Additionally, the Minister now has the ability to recommend dismissal if the Minister is satisfied that the council member is, or has:
The recommendation and, more importantly, the basis of the recommendation to dismiss by the Minister, will be open to public scrutiny through a requirement imposed upon the Minister to release the report on the day the order to dismiss takes effect.
The dismissed council member will not be prevented from re-standing for a position on council. This will provide the electors of the district with the opportunity to make an informed choice on whether that person is an appropriate person to be their representative.
A series of flow charts which provide an overview of how these new powers will operate are available on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the Department) website alongside this circular.
For further information, please contact Mr Luke Stevens, Senior Legislation and Strategy Officer at the Department, by telephone on (08) 9492 9846 or via email to
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